

Active Member
IOTM=Invertebrate Of The Month :-D
their are already 2 articles about seahorses...but yeah, alot of Seahorse buzz, I trya nd find all of the seahorse threads, and answer them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
IOTM=Invertebrate Of The Month :-D
Wasn't sure if you had to/wanted to stick with inverts. :thinking: Sally lightfoot crabs? What about your Pederson's shrimp or ghost shrimp?
Let me think while I post some updated shots of the tank. Picked up a couple of cool rocks today. One is the big white one on the right side of the tank, and the second is a small shoehorn shaped piece that I attached a zoo frag to.

(Ant- I am worried about you, I hope you are just super busy in a good way. ***) )



Active Member
Yeah, that is a very good idea! I really love articles on crustacea! Hmmm.. now, shall it be ghost or pedersons (unless you have a better idea!), I guess I have a month to decide!
I am very bad at writing articles about fish, that is why I stick to the other half of animalia! (wow, I AM a geek!) LOL
I can't wait till wednsday! Although, i will have to enjoy it wednsday and tuesday, cause after exams we are going to the keys! I am gonna take notes! I am not too worried for my tank, since nothing in my tank needs to be fed. That includes my jawfish. He si so awesome, cause I can go on trips, and not worry, cause he wasn't fed for 3 weeks! (because I thought he was dead, somewhere in my tank!


Active Member
Thanks for the compliment! I am actually really loving it too. I needed to move the toadstool out of the center since it has grown so much. :scared: It was blocking half of the tank. Now you can actually see the color diversity of all my Christmas presents (zoo frags).

The shrimp sounds like a good idea and you were probably going to do some research on them anyway right? Have FUN in The Keys, do you go every year? This isn't an original jawfish right (from the mixed up order)?
I am psyched for you to get your order, can't wait to hear about it. I am hoping you get a nice digital camera soon.....................


Active Member
Yeah, ia m hoping for a nice digital camera too LOL
We go about 2x a year, which is really fun, I think this time I am gonna do some netting, and see what lives in the water column that I don't see (I have to release anything that I find, but that is ok). Thankfully, on wednsday, I only have to be gone 4 about 2 hours, so i am likely to be hear, so I don't have to leave it in the hands opf others. :)


Active Member
Oh how fun (the netting)!! We vacationed on Cape Cod for many years when I was a kid and the house we stayed in had a floating dock. I used to get in at low tide or hang off the dock with a net and bucket to catch all sorts of cool critters. Nature is so entertaining. Will you do any snorkeling? I have only snorkeled around the Virgin Islands, not sure what the visibility is in the Keyes. ***)
Will you have someone float the bags for you if you are gone for the arrival? Are you all set-up for the massive acclimation of all those inverts? :cheer:


Active Member
Yes, actually, the main thing we do is snorkel. We camp at this place in the keys, where you can walk (from the tent opening) to the water is 10 yards! very fun! the water is very clear also. No, I don't have anybody to start floating, but I am only gonna be gone for 2 hours on wednsday, and maybe less than that, and UPS, usually sends during the afternoon, whereas exams are in the morning, but just in case, I asked that if they do arrive, that if someone could just bring them inside away from the fan, or the heater.Yea, I am all prepped for the arrivals, buckets, tubing containers. Here is my plan...
Pedersons, sea cucumber, medusa worm, micro stars,and urchin all go in the medium bucket, so that they have enough room, and that their is enough room to accomadate for the water that is going in.
Ghost shrimp: the ghost shrimp go by themselves into the second bucket, by themselves, in the second largest container, since their are so many, but their acclimation time won't be as long.
the molluscs, go with the porcelain crab, since he is tiny, and the duster cluster, in the smallest container, since they don't need much moving around space, and their acclimation time won't be terribly long.
Oh, and I won't acclimate the pods, because I don't want them to all get away, and then me have to try and get them outta the bucket


Active Member
Ugh, that is one of the downsides to large mail orders, the multi-bucket and tubing acclimation. Hope you like the taste of your tank water!
Sounds like you have a great plan going and your vacation destination is pretty cool! What is the water like current wise down there? Is it choppy?


Active Member
no, very calm, I mean their are wave....1-10" high waves LOl, but the currrent is fairly strong, but the water is flat and shallow for a long way out, and the current just pulls you along the shore, so nothing to worry about, just go with the flow, and see what you can see.
Can't get enough of that low tide taste ehh!


Ant, Fishmamma, OhioRN, and MonaLisa, I was surfing through looking for info on DSB's, and was struck by your pictures. Just wanted to let y'all know that I found them gorgeous!!


I'm looking to find pro's & con's for either a dsb or a plenum system. Personally i'd prefer a dsb for logistical reasons, but I don't have a better reason than that. However I keep hearing about nitrate release episodes from a that can cause things to die in the tank.


Active Member
Well, the cons and pros, I believe are along these lines...
1)is supposedly more effective at reducing nitrates
2) involves a platform, that seperates the sand from an open place in the bottom, whick can allow for a safe place to set rocks, without them touching the bottom.
1) Do need more sand in general than DSB's, since if the space is uncovered, the awful compounds could escape, causing algae blooms (HUGE) and sometimnes poisoning of critters
2) For it to be effective, the sand also has to be thin enough to low for an actuall gas exchange, otherwise rendering this method nearly ineffective(to a degree) for a very long time, and even when it finally "kicks in", it may not be as effective as DSB's if the sand is too thick.
1) I love the look of a dsb aesthetically, but then again, I am wierd
2) it allows for animals such as jawfish, and pistol shrimp, to exhibit their natural ability more easly.
3) Relies almost solely on creatures, to stir the sand (VERY IMPORTANT), and of course bacteria
4) "Kicks in" quicker, since the bacteria can change the cemicals in the differnet layers of the thick DSB
1) YOu can not have certain critters, that would eat the microscopic sand stirrers, which are the main care takers, and almost sole reason this is effective.
2)You would need sand layer deeper than the Plenum, and that takes up Valuable verticle space
* I am sure their are more resons for con, or pro, for either one, I amjust to lazy to research.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jojo_B
I'm looking to find pro's & con's for either a dsb or a plenum system. Personally i'd prefer a dsb for logistical reasons, but I don't have a better reason than that. However I keep hearing about nitrate release episodes from a that can cause things to die in the tank.
Don't quote me on this but I think running a skimmer can drastically lessen the effects of a nitrate release. And thanks for the kind words!


Active Member
I know I was thinking earlier that I am excited for you, can't wait to hear how it all turns out.
I sometimes have a h rd time sleeping the night before an arrival.


Active Member
well thats fine for me, since I can sleep in 2morrow for my exam, but yes i will probably be up all worried!
Ok, I will take (bad) pics 2morrow, so that I can prove to you that you DO NOT want me to take pics, until i get my new camera! By the way, what camera do you have?


Active Member
NO problem Jojo.
I have a Canon Powershot, but the least expenisve model so it stinks for close macro/zoom kind of stuff.