Fishy Toys


Hey my fellow fish fanatics! If your like me you probably want to get the most out of your fishy friends (and invertabrae aquantinces (not sure if I spelled that right)) Any way I was wondering if there is any (safe) thing I could put in my tank that my fish would interact
Any way some examples would be like cat toys only little toys for fish. They also don't have to be toys they could just be some object fish like to interact or play with.
P.S. my sister did the smilies


I have had a wrasse pick things up and swim around with them, but I don't think fish really play with stuff that much. They don't seem to be hard wired to play, but that is just my opinion. There could be some other fish that might do that sort of stuff. If so, I would say that you want to make sure whatever "toys" you add, make sure they are not made of metal.
Tell your sister we loved the smilies.


Active Member
Why would you want to put in a "fishie toy" in your tank ???? Makes no sense to me and besides they won't do much with them even if you did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
Why would you want to put in a "fishie toy" in your tank ???? Makes no sense to me and besides they won't do much with them even if you did.
yeah plus it might just make your tank look junky.
fish have gotten along fine for millions of years without toys, im sure theyll survive.


Originally Posted by alix2.0
yeah plus it might just make your tank look junky.
fish have gotten along fine for millions of years without toys, im sure theyll survive.

Maybe he could put needles, beer cans and old tires in it and claim his tank is made to look like the California coast?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dinogeorge
Maybe he could put needles, beer cans and old tires in it and claim his tank is made to look like the California coast?
im stopping right here because someones going to think were trying to be mean...


Originally Posted by alix2.0
im stopping right here because someones going to think were trying to be mean...

Thank God one of us has some sense. I agree. We're done.


Originally Posted by Lesleybird
Is this for your entertainment or the fishes???
Mine. The fish are probably to smart to find this amusing.


Active Member
The best thing you can do, honestly, is to make the system as "natural" as possible. Get lots of LR, make open structures with caves and tunnels. Mature LR will grow lots of pods etc and provide natural foraging for fish. That is "entertainment" for your fish...make it as natural as possible. Buy suitable fish for your tank size so they are not cramped.


Originally Posted by ophiura
The best thing you can do, honestly, is to make the system as "natural" as possible. Get lots of LR, make open structures with caves and tunnels. Mature LR will grow lots of pods etc and provide natural foraging for fish. That is "entertainment" for your fish...make it as natural as possible. Buy suitable fish for your tank size so they are not cramped.
I 100% agree. Lots of caves to swim through are amusing to your fish. Excellent water and a proper diet will make your fish happy.


Active Member
Tangs (esp. hippos), triggers, and wrasses are the ones that usually 'play.' What I've seen most are small sps frags they usually pick up and toss around. See if your LFS or someone local has any dead SPS frags with plugs still attached.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crabsrkewl
Alright kewl. Now to stop turning this into a debate lets change the subject to... OH lets say sexy shrimp
what about them?


Whats so sexy about shrimp? They are certainly not sexy to me. Delicious, you betchya, but not sexy. I often look at my cleaner shrimp and tell him that he looks delicious, then he hides.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BoCfuss
Whats so sexy about shrimp? They are certainly not sexy to me. Delicious, you betchya, but not sexy. I often look at my cleaner shrimp and tell him that he looks delicious, then he hides.

my baby cousin used to call my CBS "the tasty wittle shwimp!"


Originally Posted by seanh287
some fish like laser pointers. just make sure u dont get it in there eye
And thank you for the only person who actually answered this question after 17 or so replies. You other people need to be more like this person. Sheesh.