FishyGurl's Tank Diary!!!


Active Member
I just oredered 65-75 pounds of live rock from today!!! It never told me when they estimated when it would get here so I am guessing it should be here in 3-4 days. Well anyways cant wait till it comes in! I have a 72 gal. Bowfront Drilled and i have some Live Sand and Dead Sand. My tank has been running for 2 1/2 weeks now and im hoping that it will cycle the day i put all that live rock in. I also will be purchasing one other big piece of live rock from a LFS. I want to glue my live rock together so it will be nice and sturdy forever! But I don't know what type of glue to use and do I glue the pieces of rock together underwater or above water. PLease tell me what you did if you glued your Rock together.


No need to glue rocks as you may want to change your rock formattion for coral later. Just make sure that when you stack your rock it is solid enough not to avalanch on any fishys... If you get a hitchiker on one rock you would have to remove all your rocks which is the filtration of you tank to get hitchhiker off...there are many reasons in my opinion not to glue your rocks... Hope this helps.


just stack them together how you like them in the water takes a little practice and youll find out its easy...We all have to learn sometime..


and i would get rid of that dead sand if you can before you put those rocks in, could cause a headache for you down the road (trust me, look up hydrogen sulfide/sulfate incidents)...why not start out completely fresh might as well since u went for the big order on the rocks...

And i agree with the not using of the glue, you know how many times ive changed my rocks around in 2yrs to accomodate corals and boredom of seeing the same aquascape for months ...change can be good every once in awhile its part of the hobby!!....
Most of the time you get frustrated and just throw the rocks down in and walk away and when the rubble clears you end up saying not bad, lemme just move this here and that there and wala...there is no real way of aquascaping your tank, the possibilities are endless and up to your liking just dont get to annoyed at first if they dont fit together right away, ..... :happyfish


Active Member
i will make sure to update you guys about everyday and when i get my liverock and once it is done cycling i will try to learn how to post pics!


Originally Posted by FishyGurl
i will make sure to update you guys about everyday and when i get my liverock and once it is done cycling i will try to learn how to post pics!
Cant wait and we all are waiting to see its progress. We all wish you the best of luck and will be here to help you every step of the way!


Active Member
Ok Yesterday i tested my water since it seemed a bit cloudy right before i went to bed and the Ammonia wasn't at 0.00pm instead it was at 0.25 so do you guys think it is starting to cycle? Oh and another question how long once it's started will it take to completely cycle?
Today I looked at my Order Status on my Live Rock and it says its going to be shipped out tonight! (I hope my tank isn't cycling yet i wanted to get my LR in before) Is this going to cause another cycle?


All cycles are different...Some are faster than others and the onlyway to know is to test every few days. Could be 1 week or could be 2 months depending on how much dye off,water flow,how much rock in, how much algea growth you get and many different factors will affect the time frame.


Yeah just dont get discouraged because its goin to get worse and ugly before it gets better, but everyone goes through it, no need to worry....


Active Member
I found out that my Live Rock is coming tomorrow! I will let you guys know how it looks and stuff like that.


Active Member
My Live Rock came today! Along with my protien skimmer and lights! So now i have 75 pounds of Live rock! when should i put my protien skimmer in/on? But now i am mad
the guy that was kinda helping me put my tank together told me what type of lights to order so i did and he said i should order my live rock so i did. So my dogs start barking and i go to the door and turns out my Live Rock came 4 hours early! Then we put all the Live Rock in my tank after giving it a qiuck dip in Saltwater and once we were starting to put the Live Rock together the way we wanted(without glue since no one wants me to glue it) The dogs started barking again turns out that my protien skimmer and lights came! So i undo the light fixture thing that i had since the light bulbs burnt out(the previous owner waited till his lights almost burnt out before he sold his tank) so i ordered new ones that the guy that is/was helping me said to get and it turns out that they dont fit :scared:


Active Member
I brought a water sample in to my LFS and they said my tank was cycled already but today i added 75 pounds of liverock into my tank is it going to cycle again? if so how long will it take?


Active Member
well i definetely see corals on the Live Rock not sure if they are still living i know atleast one is it looks kinda like a feather duster's crown that will al of a sudden pop out of a pice of live rock. but there is no tube so either it is a feather duster and instead of going into a tube it went into a lump in the live rock or it is something else but i also have found some other things like sponges it looks like but im not sure if they are living and since any of my lights dont work new ones(dont fit) and old ones (burnt out) is everything going to die?


Active Member
Not all LFS's can be trusted, they'll tell you you've cycled when you havent finished. Adding the LR which was shipped will cause an ammo spike most of the time. You had one a couple days ago. How does the water test now? Test it you'rself. Test for ammo, nitrite, and nitrate at LEAST. If you have ) ammo, ) nitrite, and some nitrates. You've cycled. You have to see some nitrates or you're not done.
This explains a biological cycle.
Newly setup tank, no inhabitants no beneficial bacteria present.
Something is added to the tank to introduce ammonia. Dead shrimp, some use fish, die off on LR or live sand, decomposing food. Basicly anthyng that will decay will add ammonia and start the cycle.
Ammo eating bacteria begins eating the ammonia, these produce nitrite, that's why we test for nitrates so we can tell if the bacteria is present.
Nitrite eating bacteria start consuming the nitrites, these produce nitrates, again which is why we test for those.
So first you see ammo, then you see the ammo start to go down and you see nitrite. Then the ammo should be near gone if not gone and you will see nitrite going down as the nitrates go up. At some point you will see 0 ammo, 0 nitrites and have some nitrates. There is no bacteria wich eats nitrates. You have to remove them in other ways. Do a water change to get them down. Most recomend getting them to 0, before adding fish and corals. But not necessarily a must. They are not hrmful to fish in lower amounts. But be sure their down to around 20 at least.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
i also have found some other things like sponges it looks like but im not sure if they are living and since any of my lights dont work new ones(dont fit) and old ones (burnt out) is everything going to die?
Not everything will die, but some of those hitchikers might. Get some lights on them as soon as you can. IMO you have a while till you're finished cycling.
Get a test kit if you dont allready have one. You will be testing you're water for the rest of you're tanks life and now is a good time to get in the habit.


Active Member
Oh i forgot to tell you guys that a couple of days ago the Ammonia level dropped back to zero i tested my water right when i got it in and situated and it tested 0 Ammonia and 0 Nitrite. Today i just tested it and there was 0 Ammonia and a little more than 0.25 Nitrite. Then I went to a LFS that i trust and they said that the calcium was good and Nitrates were a little visible They just mainly said everything was good.


Active Member
Oh Ya! And today while i was looking at my live rock/sand to see if i could see anything living on it i saw what Looks like to be a single tenticle of some sort but there was only one shape wise it looked like one anemone tenticle. It was a green color and at the tip it was pretty much a dull black it was usually curved like an "n" but every once in awhile it would stretch out. It would poke into the rocks like it was looking for food or something but it could have been the water circulation just moving it but i would believe that it is alive. I'm guessing it was about 1.5-2.5 inches long. Any one know what this could be? Sorry i dont have pictures but as you all know my Digital Camera broke.
I also saw i little tiny starfish with 5 legs it was brown with maybe somewhat of a design on it in my opinion it looks shape wise like a Chocolate Chip Starfish and it was that color brown too, but it didn't have the "Chocolate Chips" on it. Any one know what type this is and what should i feed it becuase i love starfish and i would be happy to keep it as one of my inhabitants/pets in my tank. One question though is it reef safe becuase i want to put corals in my tank(just easy ones though) like polyps,mushroooms,zoo's, stuff like that.
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Oh ya i forgot to mention on the starfish it is like half an inch and it looks pretty flat i know it is alive becuase it is moving!