flame angel or coral beauty?

I love the flame angel and the coral beauty! Which should be my next fish? What are the pros and cons of these fish. I am a new hobbiest and my tank is 55gal. I have a lionfish, yellow tang and 2 damsels now.


i have a flame angel and he is pretty fun to watch...he used to be the bully in the tank before the crash...so now its him and 2 other fish


Originally Posted by cajundolphin
I love the flame angel and the coral beauty! Which should be my next fish? What are the pros and cons of these fish. I am a new hobbiest and my tank is 55gal. I have a lionfish, yellow tang and 2 damsels now.
You are probally going to get flamed pretty good with that stock list. I am afraid you are going to run into serious problems in the near future. What kind of lionfish is that? what kind of damsels do you have? The yellow tang will out grow that tank.
Flame angel are usually introduced into a peaceful reef as the last fish because they can be fairly aggressive. With your stock list I don't worry about the other fish as much the flame angel getting beat on. They are a very beautiful fish.
why will i get flamed? what do u mean? I don't know anything about what fish I can put together and my lfs doesnt seem to know much of anything. They just sell it. I am not even sure what kind of lionfish I have. The lfs says it is a dwarf but once I got it home and looked at others one online it doesnt really look like one. What kinda of stock list do u recommend? Here is a pic of my lion.


oh andy take a chill pill
if anyones flaming its you. how can you tell someone they are headed for disaster? thats just cruel. can you predict the future? you must make a heck of alot of money then. have i seen you on t.v for your outstanding skills?
his tank is fine..geez
get the coral beauty they are alot more hardier (and cheaper) than the flames


Active Member
Originally Posted by squirreloso
oh andy take a chill pill
if anyones flaming its you. how can you tell someone they are headed for disaster? thats just cruel. can you predict the future? you must make a heck of alot of money then. have i seen you on t.v for your outstanding skills?
his tank is fine..geez
get the coral beauty they are alot more hardier (and cheaper) than the flames
The lion will eventually not be able to turn around in a 55 and most say the tangs need much bigger tanks... It is something the guy needs to be made aware of, because the OP stated they didnt know much about the hobby.


Active Member
The lion is not a dwarf, it's a russells and when it's full grown it'll be touching front and back of the tank, large lionfish aren't suited to skinny tanks, a 90 gallon would be better for the lion and the tang.


Active Member
Originally Posted by squirreloso
the lion is a dwarf
yellow tangs do fine in 55g
where not talking about a naso tang here, its a yellow
We must be looking at two different pictures. Please dont post if you are going to give poor advice.


Active Member
Personally, I am a fan of the flame angels over coral beauties (I have a flame in one of my tanks), but coral beauties are much nicer to your wallet


Originally Posted by squirreloso
oh andy take a chill pill
if anyones flaming its you. how can you tell someone they are headed for disaster? thats just cruel. can you predict the future? you must make a heck of alot of money then. have i seen you on t.v for your outstanding skills?
his tank is fine..geez
get the coral beauty they are alot more hardier (and cheaper) than the flames
I completely agree with andy. How can we say that anyone is heading for disaster? Because we have been hobbiests helping others for quite some time. This tank cannot support the lion let lone another fish. It is too new and too small for what is in there already.


That lion grows to 11 inches and it does look like a Russel's to me as well. Yellow tangs are hyper fish. They will go, literaly, insane in a small tank. They are open water swimmers and absoluely must have room to swim. A 6 foot long tank is best. If the fish is kept in a small tank then you will see his health decline, and there will be no cure other than getting him out of that tank. In the mean time, the Russels fins will be stinging the tang. I have a 55. I know what will be comfortable in there. Neither of those fish suit.
i am sorry....didnt mean to start a contraversy. If my fish is not a dwarf then yes my tank is too small. But I bought it because the lfs told me it was a dwarf. I know my tank is still new and I have no intentions on adding anything right now but am only trying to plan my list of what I want for the future. I am adding another photo of my lion so maybe everyone can see a different view and may can tell better if it is a dwarf or a russell?



Originally Posted by sepulatian
That lion grows to 11 inches and it does look like a Russel's to me as well. Yellow tangs are hyper fish. They will go, literaly, insane in a small tank. They are open water swimmers and absoluely must have room to swim. A 6 foot long tank is best. If the fish is kept in a small tank then you will see his health decline, and there will be no cure other than getting him out of that tank. In the mean time, the Russels fins will be stinging the tang. I have a 55. I know what will be comfortable in there. Neither of those fish suit.
i have a 55g, a few nano's and a 220 gallon
yellow tangs arent that "hyper"
clown tangs are hyper..yellows in a four foot tank are fine. two more feet of space doesnt make that much of a difference
are you 100% certain that is a russels? if so thats a baby, i dont see it looking like a russells.
by the time that lion grows up (which will take awhile) im sure the poster will upgrade to a larger tank by then, we all do.
so your saying she should get rid of her fish because this board says too?
cajundolphin, your fish are fine for the time being, dont fret over it. people on forums like to tell others what to do often causing more problems that needed.
i for one wouldnt want to catch the lion, bag him and bring him back to the LFS who probably wont even give you credit for him because once its in another tank who knows what it can pick up (parasites etc)
if you want to do that then by all means go for it


Originally Posted by cajundolphin
sepulation, what do u have in ur 55gal?
I have had this tank in my home for almost a year. It was in my store before that. I have a falco hawk and a diamond goby. I plan to get a pair of maroons and a fuzzy lion. I take my sweet time with my tank. I quarantine for over a month. I carefully plan what I intend to have. That is just me though.


Originally Posted by cajundolphin
sepulation, what do u have in ur 55gal?
I have had this tank in my home for almost a year. It was in my store before that. I have a falco hawk and a diamond goby. I plan to get a pair of maroons and a fuzzy lion. I take my sweet time with my tank. I quarantine for over a month. I carefully plan what I intend to have. That is just me though.


Originally Posted by cajundolphin
sepulation, what do u have in ur 55gal?
I have had this tank in my home for almost a year. It was in my store before that. I have a falco hawk and a diamond goby. I plan to get a pair of maroons and a fuzzy lion. I take my sweet time with my tank. I quarantine for over a month. I carefully plan what I intend to have. That is just me though.