flame angel questions


I plan to finish the stocking of my 90 gal (LR/LS) with a flame angel.
I have a small Yellow Tang, 5 blue/green Chromis, one blue yellow tail damsel and 2 clowns. Everybody is doing great and getting along. My water params are perfect.
I read that the flame angel (more territorial/aggressive?) is to be introduced last.
Flame angel: What kind of personnality, where do they swim (high/low), shy, sociable???
Also, I saw different specimens in LFS with different brightness of red and black markings.
Any advice of selecting one with the most vibrant color?
thank you.

bang guy

My Flame swims all around the live rock. Through holes and over the top but never swims too far away from the rock.
Be careful with the very bright Flames. That's a symptom of cynide poisoning. If it has been at the store a couple weeks and is eating well then it's probably healthy.


The only advice I would give is add him last and I see that is what your doing. I added some fish after I added my flame angel and he attacked them so the Flame had to go. Other then that he was great, he never swam too far away from the live rock, he was always grazing on it.


Active Member
I just added one a few days ago so I cant really comment on their long term behavior, but in the few days he's been in my tank he hasn't swam more than a few inches away from the live rock. He's been all over the tank, just always near the rock.