Flame Angel Shy?


Active Member
Hi All, I just added a flame angel to my tank,went into the live rock hiding are they shy? Can you have more than one? I was told the the ones with thinner black stripes are females and thicker stripes are males, can I have a pair?


Active Member
I've never heard the "bar theory." Doesn't sound very reliable, IMO. Two dwarf angels in the same tank often times will fight and sometimes kill each other. Bo


Active Member
He will probably be hiding for a couple days. When you first get them they are always a bit stressed out, he may not eat for a while too, but he might eat, but if he doesn't don't be worried, they usually won't eat for a few days.


Hey Plum.....I too added a flame to my tank about 3 weeks ago. He was a bit shy at first but after about 3 - 4 days was fine. I feed my mysis shrimp and have about 50 lbs of lr in my 55 ga tank.
p.s. I'm in Coral springs also......ever try Aquatic Gardens in Margate?


Active Member
Got a gift certificate for my birthday so I got the flame angel at Marine life design, Seems like a nice place their prices are comparable to prices on this site for fish and coral,
I like the 3000 gallon reef tank when you walk in, WOW,
I have Aquatic Gardens on my list to go to, as well as Jawz,
ever go to aquacon?


How do you guys think a Flame would do with a PB Tang, Copperband BF, Clarki, and algae blenny? I was thinking about putting one in my 72 bow reef tank. Please give me some input!Thnks