flame angel success stories


Active Member
I posted asking for long term success stories w/ flame angels purchased from swf.com. Recieved no examples. Now I'm asking for ANY long term succes stories w/ FA's? Tell us your secrets. Where did you purchase? From what part of the world is it from? Any problems you've overcome? etc. etc. Maybe this will generate more success stories....or maybe not....if not we have to wonder why many books state they are so hardy? Thanks.


Well, I think I have had fairly good success with Flame Angels. My first Flame angel was very hardy, except for a screw up on my part, he would still be alive. Severe PH drop. Anyway I had that angel for about a year. Currently, I have one in my 65 FOWLR. Have had him for about 6 months now. Seems to be doing great.


Active Member
the only stupid thing you can do to a Flame Angel is put it in your tank and go on vacation - that's how I lost my first one
the second one has been in the tank with six damsels, 2 ocellaris clowns, three tangs (my wife's influence), and tons of stars, shrimp, crabs and snails.
He is shy though - looks me in the eye and hides behind the Rock.


My flame is the "hardiest" fish in my tank. I adopted him in November and have had him four months. He had to be tough because he had a "knuckle head" for an owner. When I first set my tank up, I did as many and questioned.... Why I have to QT my fish? He's lived through two bad ick out breaks. I credit it to the fact that he loves garlic soaked foods and his two cleaner shrimp. He has a great personality and any new "QT" additions don't bother him at all. He's from the Western Pacific, eats twice a day, and grazes all day on algae on my rocks.


Active Member
So far no longterm success stories.......Has anyone had a flameangel for let's say 2 yrs. plus? 3 years plus? So far survival rate on this fish is dismal yet we keep buying it and everyone says it's hardy!

bang guy

I've had "Fireball" for about 2 years now. Very active very friendly fish. Loves all foods and I supplement with Nori.


Active Member
pHp-I'm only asking. I've had bad experience with FA.
I guess it is possible that I'd try again. That's why I was asking about FA's purchased from swf.com. I really wanted to know hardy swf purchases were but after very few responses thought I would open it up to all FA owners. Still not good succes from swf or any where else...hmmmmm.


Active Member
Flame, you have 2 threads open. A few people have told you their sucess yet your still diging. What exactly are you hopeing to hear???:confused:


Active Member
With the popularity of the flame I was hoping to here many more long term success stories. There have been very few.
I guess what I'm looking for is a good reason to try one again in the future. WIth what I've heard it leads me to believe there is very little long term success with these beauties. I'm then hoping that people will read this thread and form their own conclusions on whether or not they should buy these specimans now and in the future. Hope they decide, as I now have decided, FA's are apparently best left in the ocean, no matter what the books and some say about their hardiness.
Wamp---this is what I was hoping to hear......frankly haven't heard it.....done searching.

bang guy

I'm not convinced any of the Pygmy Angels are all that hearty long term. Just my feelings but I think they do best in a reef but I don't consider them reef safe. It's a tough call.


hey flame i think i responded to your other post about flameangels, i have had one for about 3 years now and its has done great from the get go. i even had a couple of power outages where some of my other fish got stressed and came down with ich but she has never showed any signs of it. bought mine from lfs after watching he for about 2 weeks.
I posted on your other thread as well about the flame I've had for 18 or so months now. Didn't mention it there, but this FA has survived two big power outages...one in winter knocking out my heater and the other last summer which knocked out my chiller. The power outage in the summer also caused a major flood in my basement which led to my tanks being moved TWICE. Once to get to the floor under them and the walls behind them and once again to be moved back to their original locations on new stands. This required emptying the tanks each time and netting the fish. Very stressful for all involved. The flame made it just fine through all of that mess and seems non the worse for the wear. Lost a red headed goby and a spaghetti leather but the flame is still alive and well! My vote is to give it another try!


Active Member
Thanks for all of the responses.
I will not be trying anohter flame. Of all the responses received on 2 threads, one person has had one 2 years and another 3 years. With the popularity of these fish, these examples have to be consoidered exceptions and not the rules. Thus the success of keeping them is quite dismal.
I don't get why we keep buying them w/ this type of record....and yet why swf keeps advertising them @ 29.99. Also books consistently say they are hardy?????
As an aside i did not get 1 success story for FA purchased @ swf. Again success was defined as having had him for a t least 2 years.


I've had my flame angel for 2 years now. Through a tank move also. He was one of my first fish I got when i had my 40 gallon. Then I set up the 125 gallon and he's been in that ever since and is very healthy, very hardy, a little spooky when a stranger comes up to the tank, otherwise he's the tank "boss".

bang guy

Flamehawk - I admire your ability to research and base your decision on the facts.
I believe this fish will be available in the near future as captive bred. This will make me feel much better about keeping them. I hope if you see one that's captive bred you go for it and support the industry that researched the ability to breed & raise them.


Active Member
If sucess is defined as having fish for over 2 years, you would scratch off alot of fish in aquariums. There are alot of people who do not have fish for 2 years, rather they die, get moved, traded or just given up on. I would not base all my decisions on fish by what is said, or polled here. Not saying your wrong about the Flame angel, just that I know alot of people who have not even had their tank 2 years. Not to mention, the majority of people here have realtively new tanks.
So, scientific it is not. But, I agree... Tank raised would be nice. It just will not happen for a while I belive. The basis of your statments above could also be used for Tangs. There are alot of tangs floating in sewers now. There not that delicate, just need special care. Same could be true for Flames... I would try one with no hesitation. I strongly belive, if you give them the right enviroment, a stable tank and a good diet, they will live a long and happy life. Just like the mandarin.. Provide the right food and a good tank, they too will live.
Just my .02


Active Member
I never had a problem with any tangs except achillies. WHile I wouldn't put the FA in the same category as achillies, I still will not buy another.
I have a sohal,purple,yellow, and Powder blue.
I believe it is quite different when you provide the right environment for survival and a fish dies sudeenly for no apparent reason. As an asuide I also surveyed another other audiences only to find similar results. Not many seem to be having success of 2+ years. Again I've drawn my own conclusion based on unscientific but somewhat reliable info. I leave it up to all to formulate theirs.