Flame Scallop Questions!


I'm wanting one of these in my tank... check out my tank specs and tell me what you think. My tank has been running for over 6 months. :D


Active Member
Your setup sounds fine but they are very hard to keep alive, most of them only live 6 months in captivity, but others have lived longer. I had one that lived for 7 months until my chocolate chip starfish ate it. Instead of the flame scallop you should check out the electric scallop, (I think thats what its called), they are really cool.


I have 2 flame scallops in my 80 gal. My husband feeds them phytoplankton (not sure of spelling) at least 1-2 times per week. They are doing great. I don't think they usually do well though unless you feed them. We use a turkey baster and squirt it right on them. It's pretty cool to watch them squirt across the tank! They are thriving. I don't see why you couldn't have one if you're willing to take the extra time to feed it. Of course, just my opinion.


Active Member
You COULDN'T have one if you didn't take the time to feed it. They are not photosynthetic organisms like the Maxima and other clams that they are often associated with. They require feeding, not sure how much or how often, but I know they need to be fed. Most are relatively cheap, but have very dismal survival rate, and I strongly discourage you from getting one.

bang guy

I saw a study where a healthy Flame Scallops were placed in a tank with a filter to remove all food. It took 6 - 9 months for them to starve to death. Interestingly this is exactly how long they last in most aquariums with pitifully few exceptions.
Someone must have starved mine for 5-8 months before I got him then because he only lasted a month. There is an interesting article in the Advanced Aquarist this month about flame scallops. You can find it at www.reefs.org
HTH and Good Luck with yours.


I had read that they dont doe well in captivity and if they do perish (sp?) they can poision the tank and wipe out everything. Anyone else read this?? I was going to put one in as well, but after reading that I changed my mind.


Active Member
As far as I know they do not pollute your tank. I know anemones do but not flame scallops. I could be wrong though, when mine died it did not harm anything.

bang guy

If you don't have enough detrivores like Bristle worms or Nassarius Snails then any dead animal could cause an ammonia spike. This isn't specific to Flame Scallops (which are not Scallops BTW ;) ).
Mine did not pollute the tank when he died, neither have any anemones that have died in my tank. I killed two with an ich product called greenex.