Originally Posted by
RCreations I have heard of this happening but then Nycbob has one living in his reef without problems.
Yep, as BTL states, it's the luck of the draw. Have to ask yourself if the chance of an angel on the reef outweighs the potential risk of losing corals, and/or tearing into the tank to remove a problem fish.
(For me, without question the beauty and intelligence of angels outweighs the risks)
As for the two angels you specifically picked, I think it should be geared more towards "whose had flames live, and whose had bicolors live." If this is your first angel, your decision should be pretty easy. The flame. A hardy angel that is very often successful. The Bicolor on the other hand, is not a starter angel. They have notoriously poor survivability records. There are reasons bicolors are $19.99 and flames are $49.99-$69.99. Flames typically come from places with much better history of safe/proper collection, such as Hawaii. The best thing you can could do, is always ask whoever you plan on buying your angels from, to look on their documents and see where the angels are from. If they can't tell you, consider moving somewhere else.