Flashlight Fish


I just got a flashlight fish on Sunday and I still haven't seen him eat. I'm feeding him live brine that's what my lfs was feeding him. They warned me that he was picky but that he was eating. Any recommedations what I else I could do or try.
He looks like he's adjusting well and none of the other fish are picking on him. When should I really starting worrying about him not eating.

bang guy

Try baby guppies or Mollies until you get it weaned onto frozen food. Be forewarned that this fish requires a lot of food to feed its symbiotic bacteria and Brine Shrimp isn't going to supply it with much. Very very few can be weaned onto dead food.
Another tip - This fish feeds only at night...


Don't tell me its one of those fish that live thousands of feet below the surface that has that little flash light near its face. Those things are crazy!


Active Member
Heres what one looks like. How much did you pay for it. Those things are like a hundred bucks!


Active Member
I saw them at my LFS last week for around 30$. They had two of them. SUCH cool fish. I was tempted to buy them, but I'm not excited about feeding at night, let alone live food at night.