I just happen to pull out my handy dandy Marine Fish guide by Scott W. Michael, and going through the angels here's what's said......
Flagfin Angel Not recommended
Indian Yellowtail Angel Some risk may nip at invertes, including stony and soft corals.
Cherub Angel Will occasionally nip at stony and some soft corals, and clam mantles.
Golden Angel Many nip at both large-polyped and small polyped stony corals....will not bother most soft corals with possible exception of Xenia.
Bicolor Angel ADD with CAUTION.....will often nip large-polyped stony corals, soft corals, zoanthids, and tridacnid clams.
Coral Beauty Will occasionally nip at large-polyped stony corals and clam mantles.
Eibl's Angel ADD with CAUTION.....may nip again like the Bicolor.......
Fisher's Angel May nip again.....
Lemonpeel Angel Notorious for nipping large-polyped stony corals, and tridancnid clam mantles. may east soft coral polyps, and nip zoanthids.
Herald's Angel May nip at large-polyped stony corals, zoanthids, and tridacnid lam mantles. May also eat some soft coral polyps.
Flame Angel May nip at large-polyped stony corals, zoanhids, and tridacnid clam mantles, may also eat soft coral polyps.....
Potter's Angel May attack some soft corals and nip at largeppolyped stony corals, zoanthids, and clam mantles.....
Keyhole Angel May attack some soft corals, and nip at large-polyped stony corals zoanthids, and tridacnid clam mantles.
There are a couple that look good though......
Lamarck's Angel
Blackspot Angel
Watanabe's Angel