florida joe tagged me... ask me anything


Active Member
what is your favorite word???
what 10 items would you want if you were stranded on a desert island???
how many times have you dated something "08" this year???
do you plan on living in oHIo the rest of your life??? if not where do you want to move to???


Originally Posted by alix2.0
i kid, i kid.
less than once. i brush my hair very rarely. it doesnt really ever tangle, and i want to break it as little as possible. definately not saying that my hair is gross though. very clean, very un-rats-nesty. or sometimes i just wear it naturally curly. if i brushed it then,id have a massive frizzball stuck to my head.
nah. i sing stupid songs with pride. speaking of, ill be posting a youtube vid of my friend and i doing this in the next couple days. i just need to edit it. i think my favorite ones to sing are dont stop believin, i believe in miracles, and never gonna give you up. earlier today i was singing GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!... and i recommence doing so everytime i see pezenfuego's thread.
Lovin the "Don't stop believing"!! "Girls, Girls, Girls" is another awesome song
"Never gonna give you up" is alright, if it were not such a "Rick Rolled" joke. It was a good song in it's day...


Active Member
why arent I asleep yet?
have you ever had the wonderful beverage The Switch? favorite flavor?
what are you feeling on tea?
favorite drink?
ever drink anything that came out of your tank? on accident or purpose?
thirsty yet?


If you could have any fish in the ocean, what would it be?
If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would it be?
What would you name it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Salt Life
your 14?
mattB thinks i look like im 14
Originally Posted by ruaround
what is your favorite word???
what 10 items would you want if you were stranded on a desert island???
how many times have you dated something "08" this year???
do you plan on living in oHIo the rest of your life??? if not where do you want to move to???
*family forum*
chapstick, cellphone w/ service, computer w/ internet and itunes, cases of bottled water, cases of turnips, sunscreen, a beach chair, makeup, hair straightener, a bridge to civilization.
i havent dated anything "08" yet, but i did date something "02", which was quite odd.
ohio is very strange. i really really hope im not stuck here for the rest of my life. but i do dig it. idk. i wanna go somewhere with a beach, but not a lot of tourists. i want my own tropical beach. that'd be cool.
Originally Posted by Salt Life

ohh gotchya, aren't you 27? or you were jk too when we were in the chatroom with snakeblitz and the other people from here
i dont even remember that...
Originally Posted by Shinobi9119

why arent I asleep yet?
have you ever had the wonderful beverage The Switch? favorite flavor?
what are you feeling on tea?
favorite drink?
ever drink anything that came out of your tank? on accident or purpose?
thirsty yet?

arent you always up kinda late? if my memory is correct, you participated on the insomniac thread quite a bit, didnt you?
never even heard of it.
as stated above i pretty much only ever drink tea except for a few occasions.
br />
yes... i have really bad depth perception and once accidentally stuck part of my face in the tank... haha.
yes! i am. im sick, and i just woke up. im very dehydrated, and my throat is verry sore.
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

Originally Posted by nina&noah

If you could have any fish in the ocean, what would it be?
If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would it be?
What would you name it?
i dont know! i want an octopus, but im not sure if that counts.
probably a kitten named tupac shapurrrr.


Active Member
i have a 13 yr old - mare, and a 15 yr old - layne and they want to adopt you, are you up for adoption anytime soon ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i have a 13 yr old - mare, and a 15 yr old - layne and they want to adopt you, are you up for adoption anytime soon ?
cute names! these are the ones who like nails and manson, right? ill be 18 soon, maybe ill stop over and visit when i blow outta town!

jenny, are your girls into porcelain and the tramps? if they like manson, they may like her (i say her because the band currently consists of one girl). they are produced by john5 (ex manson guitarist) but the cd isnt out yet... its been on the internet for a few years though. its not horribly great music but its fun to listen to. some of it is a little sexual or drug oriented, (not graphically, but enough to notice) so im not sure how you feel about that. i mean, manson is too, so idk.
here is the vampirefreaks site with all their songs: http://vampirefreaks.com/liquidsugar

darthtang aw

Active Member
Would you agree John 5 has the worst stage presence ever.
Would you agree Twiggy is far superior to John 5?
When are you gonna come out of the emo closet?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Would you agree John 5 has the worst stage presence ever.
Would you agree Twiggy is far superior to John 5?
When are you gonna come out of the emo closet?
yes! i loooove twiggy! im so glad he's back in the band!
darth! i was under the impression that you were a boring republican! how do you know such things?
and im not emo.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
yes! i loooove twiggy! im so glad he's back in the band!
darth! i was under the impression that you were a boring republican! how do you know such things?
and im not emo.
I don't have a tatto of Eddie and Nikki Sixx for nothing. I used to hang out with a lot of bands when the came into town. I know music.


Active Member
when was the last time you played dodgeball???
soup or salad???
do you feel like youre connected to the interweb???

al mc

Active Member
Besides SWF.com what else do you like to do in your free time?
What do you see yourself doing for a living in 10 years?


Active Member
Hardest thing you've had to do in your life?
Easiest thing you've had to do in your life?
Funnest thing you've done in your life?
Most boring thing you've done in your life?
Freebee! Post the answer to a question and make us guess what the question you answered was!

darthtang aw

Active Member
what are your favorite bands?
Have you met any of them?
Favorite instrument?
If you had to choose one which would you pick to be? Groupie, Roadie, or the person kicked out of the band before they got signed.