florida joe tagged me... ask me anything


Well-Known Member
If you had to live on a deserted island, what are five things that you would bring with you? You can not leave the island. Cell phones don't work! lol


Active Member
yup I did spend a lotta time in the insomniac thread alix. I have weird sleep habits

what us your opinion on reality T.v.?
what is the majority of your time spent on?
which would you rather go to school on a Giant turtle or a sleigh pulled by many penguins?
your avatar has inspired me. how do you feel?
why is the rum always gone?


Originally Posted by alix2.0
haha, this is the slowest AMA thread so far. i must be boring.
You could speed this thread up to 10 pages in no time by answering specifically why you LOOOVEEEE Obama



Active Member
What's your favorite breakfast item??
Do you enjoy school?
Do you have any other pets besides fish??
Ready for someone else to take a turn?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
Eggroll or Potato chips?
chips. ive never benn a big fan of egg rolls.
Originally Posted by ruaround
when was the last time you played dodgeball???
soup or salad???
do you feel like youre connected to the interweb???
probably 3 or 4 years ago.
i guess... i mean... you guys on SWF. idk about the internet.
Originally Posted by Al Mc
Besides SWF.com what else do you like to do in your free time?
What do you see yourself doing for a living in 10 years?
i havent been doing anything lately. the last 3 weeks have royally sucked. usually i just like hanging out with my friends and doing stuff, but lately i dont even want to do that. so i sit at home and watch tv or read.
i have no idea. i dont want to be doing anything in 10 years.
Originally Posted by camfish

Hardest thing you've had to do in your life?
Easiest thing you've had to do in your life?
Funnest thing you've done in your life?
Most boring thing you've done in your life?
Freebee! Post the answer to a question and make us guess what the question you answered was!
i dont know how to answer that question.
lots of stuff.
i dont know. i dont really ever get bored. i can keep myself pretty well entertained.
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW

what are your favorite bands?
Have you met any of them?
Favorite instrument?
If you had to choose one which would you pick to be? Groupie, Roadie, or the person kicked out of the band before they got signed.
theres way too many. i think ozzy would probably top the list though. manson, queen, nails, rush, bowie, pink, led zeppelin, pink floyd,


, whatever.
bass. cant play it though, and i have no desire to try.
groupie =)
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
If you had to live on a deserted island, what are five things that you would bring with you? You can not leave the island. Cell phones don't work! lol
chapstick, daphne, water, food, laptop with internet.
Originally Posted by Shinobi9119
yup I did spend a lotta time in the insomniac thread alix. I have weird sleep habits

what us your opinion on reality T.v.?
what is the majority of your time spent on?
which would you rather go to school on a Giant turtle or a sleigh pulled by many penguins?
your avatar has inspired me. how do you feel?
why is the rum always gone?
its ok. i dont mind it, but im not a huge fan. the only show i watch a lot of anymore is house.
turtle. that would be too awesome to describe.
miserable. tired. sick. sad. lonely.
cause it was never there to start.
Originally Posted by TeresaQ

who are you going to tag.
How is your cold.
hmm, how about darth? since he's revealing this whole unknown rock n roller side. youre it!
nasty. it really sucks. i cant sleep.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
cute names! these are the ones who like nails and manson, right? ill be 18 soon, maybe ill stop over and visit when i blow outta town!

jenny, are your girls into porcelain and the tramps? if they like manson, they may like her (i say her because the band currently consists of one girl). they are produced by john5 (ex manson guitarist) but the cd isnt out yet... its been on the internet for a few years though. its not horribly great music but its fun to listen to. some of it is a little sexual or drug oriented, (not graphically, but enough to notice) so im not sure how you feel about that. i mean, manson is too, so idk.
here is the vampirefreaks site with all their songs: http://vampirefreaks.com/liquidsugar

oh hellz yeah we checked it out, thats right up our alley, gonna be gettin that one


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
What's your favorite breakfast item??
Do you enjoy school?
Do you have any other pets besides fish??
Ready for someone else to take a turn?
eggs over easy.
right now i only have cats dogs goats and chickens. used to have a ton more.
just tagged darth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
oh hellz yeah we checked it out, thats right up our alley, gonna be gettin that one

glad yall like it.
im not sure where you could get the music to download, i downloaded it illegally off some site that ive since forgotten, but maybe a little googling around.