

New Member
I know that this probalby wasn't the wisest decision I ever made, but my lfs had a baby flounder for sale and I bought him.
That aside, what do flounders eat?
I have been putting flake food in the tank, but I don't think he eats it.


Active Member
Why don't you have him for dinner and go buy another fish. Just kidding! Why would you buy something without knowing about it's needs first? So, did you feel sorry for it and bring it home? Don't flounders get really big? Maybe take him back? Lesley


New Member
I must admit that I bought the fish on whim because I felt sorry for the fish. I don't want to take the fish back to the lfs though. Would it be okay to put him back in the ocean?


Active Member

Originally posted by Tatchia
Would it be okay to put him back in the ocean?

That's usually illegal, and the fish would die anyway.


New Member
Oh - well I didn't know it was illegal - but I guess that makes sense since you wouldn't know what the fish had been exposed to. ummmm....
Maybe I can find someone with a larger tank to take him - but in the meantime does anyone have any ideas of what to feed it?


Active Member
I read that these fish get about 12-14" and need a large (125+ gallon tank). Also they are basically carnivores. Probably will eat shrimp, chopped up peices of fish, anything meaty.