Feature Article: Colors by the Thousands - Light, Colors and Corals, Part I
By Benoît Finet, Florian Lesage, Translated by Nicolas Will
The PAR (Photosynthetic Available Radiation, unit µE/m2/s) measures the number of photons reaching a surface, all this in the wavelengths of the visible light (between 400 and 700nm). It is indeed in this portion of the spectrum that we can find the different absorption peaks of the photosynthetic pigments. As these pigments do not absorb energy in a equal manner on all that 400-700nm range, but only at certain precise wavelengths, some prefer using the PUR (Photosynthetic Usable Radiation) in order to quantify the number of photons truly used by the photosynthetic cells. The PUR is thus defined by the light source (emitted spectrum, intensity) and by the studied pigments (because of their absorption spectrum).
I could be misunderstanding this one but...quick five min. pull there, i'll do some more if needed but I gotta clean house before wifey gets home...lol