fluidized bed filter


New Member
I was just wondering if anyone still feels fluidized bed filter's were of any use and what purpse they served. Also would you use one in conjuction with a protein skimmer, or is that overkill, or are they not even realted. Basically looking for general info before I start making any purchases, not sure what type of tank I want to start, reef or fish only.
Fluidized bed filters make very good biological filters. No real relation to a Protein Skimmer though. I rarely see them used in Saltwater aquariums as a DSB and LR usually suffice for Bio-Filtration. They are also very good as a space saver when a Man-made Bio-filter is necessary and space is limited. The smallest unit (FB300) made by Rainbow Lifeguard is smaller than a CPR BakPak and is effective for a very large aquarium. I think that the company rates the FB300 for up to a 300 gallon aquarium, but I always recommend to go with lower than what the advertised capacity is. I worked in a pet store years ago with an FB300 on a 90 gallon feeder goldfish tank and we never had a problem with ammonia or nitrites. Another thing that I like about the fluid beds is that they don't trap debris. I suppose if you needed a bio-filter beyond sand and rock you could run a fluid bed and still allow for your protein skimmer to pull out the junk and not worry about it getting trapped up in bio-balls or other bio-media. In any system trapped debris is just trapped, it still rots and pollutes the water even if you can't see it, with that said I would say that other than natural biological, fluid beds are one of the best.