i have 2 fluval 404's on my 100g reef tank and i run chemi-pure carbon also... seems to work great water is perfect and i keep everything from softies to LPS to SPS to clams and they all are doing great!!!
most would agree a sump is a better choice but mines workin just fine right now just keep up on the maintenance open it once every 2 weeks and clean it up... i agree though one may not be enough u may need 2 if thats going to be the only mains of cleaning your tank.... or run a sump and a canister u can use the canister for extra filtration and to run carbon to polish your tank
heres some pics my 2 fluvals are fed through the bottom of the tank its drilled in 4 places and water passes through the CC substrate through an eggcrate covered with a small mesh then the clean water of one passes through a uv filter and the clean water from the other passes through my chiller....
works great in my opinion and easy to clean...
as u can see my tank looks healthy