Fluval 404 For 75 Reef?


I'm in the process of buying a filter for my 75 gallon reef tank. I don't know what filter to get yet, but I'm looking at the Fluval 404 because I have read good reviews on it and it's not too pricey. Do you guys think this fliter is pretty good with reef tanks or is it a no go?


Just get a refugium and a skimmer instead of the fluval. It'll have more benefits and less maintenance.


How much money would it cost to set up a refugium with everything it needs? I have a 30 gallon saltwater tank right now which I am taking apart and selling so I already have a 30 gallon (and a 20G saltwater) for refugium tank.


I like my fluval. I run chemi pure in one of the trays and a u.v. on the discharge - works great in my opinion! some dont prefer canisters but I've had good sucess with them, you just have to keep them clean and its really not too much work.


I have 72 gal tank and started the hobby with fluval 404. It was not enough cycle to have crystal clear water quality and I ended up buying wet dry filter and now the ater quality is perfect.
In my opinion fluval 404 it self in definately not good enough for 75 gal tank, it is too big for fluval 404 to handle itself. Buy a wet dry and nip it in the bud.


Active Member
i have 2 fluval 404's on my 100g reef tank and i run chemi-pure carbon also... seems to work great water is perfect and i keep everything from softies to LPS to SPS to clams and they all are doing great!!!
most would agree a sump is a better choice but mines workin just fine right now just keep up on the maintenance open it once every 2 weeks and clean it up... i agree though one may not be enough u may need 2 if thats going to be the only mains of cleaning your tank.... or run a sump and a canister u can use the canister for extra filtration and to run carbon to polish your tank
heres some pics my 2 fluvals are fed through the bottom of the tank its drilled in 4 places and water passes through the CC substrate through an eggcrate covered with a small mesh then the clean water of one passes through a uv filter and the clean water from the other passes through my chiller....
works great in my opinion and easy to clean...
as u can see my tank looks healthy



Murph, I agree totally.
I am currently planning on upgrading my 55 to a 125 and when I do I am planning on doing the same thing or maybe going with the sump and Fluval. Current thoughts are two Fluvals.
I am thinking about having both of them empty into my new fuge.


murph and yetti,
totally agree also. I'm also planning on a 125 gal down the road and planning on running it similar to yours murph, great tank! I'm still a fluval fan but I dont think that it should be the only filtration source on a reef tank.


Well I've never had a fluval so I cant give any opinions on that brand.
But I do have the Rena Filstar XP2 Canister Filter connected on my 55 gallon tank.
This Filter is awesome!. It's very very quiet it's very easy to clean it and it just works great. My aquarium is always crystal clear. There are many kinds of chemical stuff,pads etc you can choose from for this filter, it has the quick disconnect valves,tubes so that you wont make a mess. The XP2 is capable of keeping a max of 75 gallon aquarium clean. There is also a bigger Rena filter which is the XP3 this one can hold up to 175 gallons and it really does. Check out the filters reviews.
Here is a link of the filter http://aquariumpharm.com/filters.html you won't be dissapointed.


Thanks for all the advice guys. Turns out i'm going to use my 30 gallon for a refugium for the 75 gallon.