food for yellow tang


What is some good food for a yellow tang? He has lost some of his color and I got some green seaweed and some frozen omnivore food (which he loves), but I know they are more of a herbivore aren't they?


Active Member
Green Seaweed YES!!! They need a LOT of that, twice daily. Also, try formula 2 (made for herbivores) and mysid shrimp. Perfect diet for a healthy yellow tang. Also, wat size tank is it in? That could be a factor as well.


Active Member
If hes in that 30 gallon, even if you feed him nice, good food, he will die from lack of room to swim and move around. Yer tank is way too small, either get a bigger tank or get rid of the fish.

bang guy

What you're feeding him is pretty good. I'd suggest adding Mysid Shrimp or minced Scallops.
Contrary to popular belief they are not herbivores but actually Omnivores that require a large percentage of algae in their diet.


Here we go again. My BABY Yellow is in a 29 and has been for some time now. I feed him a diet of Spectrum, Seaweed Flakes, Seaweed Selects, And various frozon food. I do see him eat some brine shimp as well as Prime Reef. He is bright bright yellow and very fat haha.
Don't listen to some of these guys god its like I'm on a Cichlid forum. If your tang is small its fine I would say over 3inches and I would get him out of thier though. Good luck with your fish.


I know I know and beliave me I've seen his posts and I
him. I'm just saying you don't need the tank size for some fullgrown species when they are wittle babies.
Oh yeah I also feed Formula 2


no my tang is not a baby....its about 3 inches so but very soon i will be upgrading to a 75 gallon and i mean very soon so thanks for the advice!


Active Member
Well, Mongoose just got skooled...
. Well, make sure that you let the tank cycle out before u put that guy in there. Try to give him the tank to himself, and feed him like we said, and he just might make it. Watch for ich and stuff like that though... he is liable to develop it.


Active Member
hey guys,
is it normal for a yellow tang to have a little haze of brown color on its body during the morning hours before the lights have come on? And then once light's are on it changes to bright yellow and the brownish colors disappear?