? for adding calcium

a sea k

My tank parameters have been stable but the calcium is on the low side (350). Does anyone have any suggestions on which supplement is best for raising calcium level without affecting other params? There is no livestock or coral yet, so calcium usage will be low and I have a calcium reactor that will be used later as the demand for calcium increases.
I use Tropic Marin salt ( standard not the pro reef ). Other parameters as follows; PH 8.2 Ammo 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 20 Alk 3.8 salinity 34ppt calcium 350 temp 82 These readings have been stable for the past 3 weeks.
I have no test for Magnesium but will be getting soon.


I have been using Ionic A & B for years and it is great for keeping your calcium up and alk levels normal. It hasn't effected my other parameters in the tank(PH,Salinity,etc). I put alittle in every other night unless the calc or alk goes low then i add more.
Or you cold just set up the calc reactor form the start.


Well if your kinda handy you can use any 2 part calcium/alk additive. Or you can use kalkwasser if you but. I personaly dont like kalk. I think its a pain in the butt. But hey thats just me.

bang guy

Calcium chloride is perfect for raising only Calcium.
I'm concerned more about your Alkalinity. You listed 3.8 but 3.8 what? dKH, Meq/L?
If it's dKH then you really need to bump it up a lot and a two part additive will raise ALK and Calcium both at the same time.
If it's Meq/L then it's on the high side but OK and Calcium chloride is perfect for getting your Calcium up.

a sea k

Sorry, I should have specified Alkalinity is Meq/L, and yes I am looking for something to raise calcium only. This is a very new system and I am looking for ways to adjust and stabilize water parameters before I start adding livestock. Kind of a experimental phase till I get the hang of things. Where would be a likely source of calcium chloride for someone living in a rural area?,and what would be a typical dosing regimine?

bang guy

I live in a rural area.
I use Dow Flake ice melter if I only want to bump up Calcium. Dissolve it into your topoff water. Kent Liquid Calcium sold on this site is also an appropriate additive.
The rate of additive depends on the size of the tank and the consumption rate. Since you have a new tank I'd suggest 1 tsp per day and measure Ca levels once a week to see if it's going up or down and adjust the dosing rate.
Slow steady progress is the key. Too fast and you can actually lower your Ca level. Try to avoid weekly dosing if you can. Daily or every other day is far better for maintaining levels. Also be sure to test anything you dose and chart the levels weekly until you get a feel for the consumption rates.

a sea k

Bang Guy, Thanks much for the replies. Your post have been very informative and helpful.
Thanks again, Chris