For Meowzer!!!

Well i started my 29g reef a year ago today, and Meowzer really helped me alot, so heres some before and after pictures.
First FTS

FTS 8/4/11

Acans From SWF

Acans Now

And finally current pic of my Ric garden

Thanks too all who ever replied to my "Help Fast Life or Death Situation thread!!!" LOL
I was such a noob.


Moderator have made some great progress....if I helped you are welcome :)
I love those acans....I wish I could get mine to grow like that....maybe I could use some advice from you

coral guy

man when i see rics like that mine look dull and ugly how you pay for them around here there like 100 for 3 heads of rainbow rics


Active Member
Hey, I think I remember the "life or death thread". That is when I started posting more frequently here. Your tank has made great progress.


Well-Known Member
I remember that thread...has it really been a year? Your tank looks wonderful, and I know you are does feel good knowing you made a little ocean doesn't it?