For Tang Owners

bang guy

Please post the species of Tang, how long it has been in the tank, and the length of the tank after you vote.


Active Member
hippo and yellow
yellow-almost 2 years
hippo- almost a year, will be traded soon
4ft 55, adding sump/refug soon


5 years? Isn't this poll a little jaded. How many people have had any fish longer than 5 years. Some have... most haven't. Your results will not prove your theory.


New Member
Naso Tang, almost a year. They say a tang needs 6 feet to swim. Mine has that, but has to turn twice, lol. I have a 55. My hippo is in a 29, but I'd never mention that here. Both are very happy and healthy.

bang guy

Originally Posted by jcrim
5 years? Isn't this poll a little jaded. How many people have had any fish longer than 5 years. Some have... most haven't. Your results will not prove your theory.
My theory is that Tangs don't often live longer than 5 years in tanks 4' or less.

darth tang

Active Member
There are 3 people I know personally that have had their tangs 12 years. Not on this board.
I would give my info....but due to overstocking at the time I wiped my tank due to ignorance. Two yellow tangs and the tank was 140 gallons 7 feet long. Ich wipeout was the result. made it 5 months.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
My theory is that Tangs don't often live longer than 5 years in tanks 4' or less.
I personally think it is a good base to start from. If the goal was to keep the fish a little bit, say a year or two, then tank size won't matter much. In this instance Bang is looking for the best environments to house tangs for a LONG time. Not just a couple years. Most pets in our homes make it at least 10 years with why is the five year mark for fish jaded?
sorry bang to ask questions outside of the topic.


I introduced a yellow tang to my 55gal almost two months ago.
However about 10 years ago, I had my first saltwater tank running for about 7 years it was a 29 gallon. I had at one time, both a hippo and a yellow tang!! I introduced the yellow as the third fish following two damsels. I added a couple clowns too. After a year I added a hippo, but it only lived a year.
My tank crashed after a power outage during a storm while we were away, the lights/pump never came back on and everything was dead when we returned.
The yellow tang lived about 5-6 years best I can remember. That was over ten years ago.
With what I realize now, I would not put a tang in anything smaller than what I have now.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
My theory is that Tangs don't often live longer than 5 years in tanks 4' or less.
The poll is jaded because very few people have had any fish live longer than 5 years for a variety of reasons. This poll reflects neither on tank size nor species of fish. This does prove a point, though... virtually any poll can be conducted in a way as to support any theory.
Do you really think that the average fish lives 5 years in tanks? Expand the poll to ask if anyone has any tang that's over 5 years old (regardless of tank size) and your results will be similar.

bang guy

Originally Posted by jcrim
The poll is jaded because very few people have had any fish live longer than 5 years for a variety of reasons. This poll reflects neither on tank size nor species of fish. This does prove a point, though... virtually any poll can be conducted in a way as to support any theory.
I know lots & lots of people that have had fish longer than 5 years so I don't believe there are "very few". I believe most hobbiests have not been in the hobby 5 years so I'll agree with you there but a lot of people here have had tanks setup over 5 years with fish.
Originally Posted by jcrim

Do you really think that the average fish lives 5 years in tanks? Expand the poll to ask if anyone has any tang that's over 5 years old (regardless of tank size) and your results will be similar.
This poll has nothing to do with the average fish but yes, I believe the average fish will live longer than 5 years if provided a suitable environment. I've limited the question to Tangs. I have already posted another similar poll for larger tanks.
I see no reason why a Tang in a suitable environment shouldn't live more than 5 years. I expect my Tang to outlive me.


Active Member
3 Yellows
1 Purple
1 Sailfin
1 Hippo
4 1/2 years in a 180g but now in a 150g 6 ft. as of 3 mths.
Used to be in a 180g with 2 other Yellows, 1 other Hippo and a Kole. Had problems w/ the 180g leaking so I set up the 150g and did/could not want all in it so off to the LFS they went. Hardest thing I ever had to do was to give up those fish. The Kole I lost to stess from no power after hurrican.
EDIT, I voted in the pole and should not have because my tanks have been 6 ft. I voted less than 5 years and thats OK because the only number that matters will be the ones that live over 5 years in a 4 ft. or less tank. Just because you have one in a short tank now doesnt mean anything. Q should have been how many have died befor 5 years in a short tank. JMO


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Do you really think that the average fish lives 5 years in tanks? Expand the poll to ask if anyone has any tang that's over 5 years old (regardless of tank size) and your results will be similar.
My opinion on why fish die in the "average" aquarium; The average fish dies prematurely because the owner: 1. Doesn't provide quality water, 2. Doesn't provide quality food, 3. Doesn't provide variety of foods, 4. Doesn't maintain water quality, 5. Houses the fish with incompatible species, 6. Overcrowds, 7. Doesn't research needs of fish (light requirements, water circulation, etc.), 8. Doesn't provide adequate habitat.
Fish are cheaper than many other pets, aren't furry and aren't warm blooded. I think that's why people seem to care less for them than other pets...
I fully expect my fish to live out their natural life expectancies in my tank. I research, I QT, and I feed and maintain appropriately.
I like the polls Bang. I hope the results are eye opening.
My little Purple Tang is awesome. Looking forward to watching him grow up.


All of the following in a 375 tank. I know you guys are all going to say that they will kill eachother but they have been living in peace since i have gotten them.
1. Purple Tang (5 Inches) 1 year
2. Clown tang (6 inches) 1 year
3. three blue tangs (5-7 inches) 3 years
4. Kole Tang (4 inches) 2 years
5. yellow tang (4 inches) 2 years
All of them are healthy except the clown tang is a little bit skinny but i can fix that. ***)


Active Member
one yellow tang 3 1/2 inches one maroon clown 3 1/2 inches 55 gallon , both very happy , my tank weaves in and out of my LR canals quite quickly seems very playfull , eats from my hand (havent heard of to many tangs doing that) and acts like he is mated with the maroon , mmaybe pretty soon i will be selling a new breed of fish .....Maroon Towns?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
one yellow tang 3 1/2 inches one maroon clown 3 1/2 inches 55 gallon , both very happy , my tank weaves in and out of my LR canals quite quickly seems very playfull , eats from my hand (havent heard of to many tangs doing that) and acts like he is mated with the maroon , mmaybe pretty soon i will be selling a new breed of fish .....Maroon Towns?
How long ?
I think Bang's point is it doesnt matter unless you have it more than 5 years in your tank and acording to his theory, you wont.