For those who are in war.....with ich.


How is this funny? Most people that come to this board are looking for help. This does not provide help, nor does it help matters with others at all. It provides a false sense of what the parasite actually is. This parasite stays in the tank until it is irradicated. This post is not informative, and I personally do not think that it should still be in Disease and Treatment, but it is not my call.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
How is this funny? Most people that come to this board are looking for help. This does not provide help, nor does it help matters with others at all. It provides a false sense of what the parasite actually is. This parasite stays in the tank until it is irradicated. This post is not informative, and I personally do not think that it should still be in Disease and Treatment, but it is not my call.
ah c'mon man lighten up a bit. its just proving that there is some light at the end of a stupid long dark parasite infected tunnel lol...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
How is this funny? Most people that come to this board are looking for help. This does not provide help, nor does it help matters with others at all. It provides a false sense of what the parasite actually is. This parasite stays in the tank until it is irradicated. This post is not informative, and I personally do not think that it should still be in Disease and Treatment, but it is not my call.
Lighten up! I see you have no sense of humor at all!!!
There is plenty of room here to joke on this subject, and this is the correct form for ICH jokes! Let's here some more!


Originally Posted by Lesleybird
Lighten up! I see you have no sense of humor at all!!!
There is plenty of room here to joke on this subject, and this is the correct form for ICH jokes! Let's here some more!
Is it funny when people's fish die from this parasite? This is not the forum to joke. People have lost alot of fish due to ich. This is a forum for help with diseases. I don't find ich to be a funny topic. Anyone that has ever had a tank full of ich will not find this funny either. Post jokes in the Aquarium, not here.


Originally Posted by SkeletonCowboy
ah c'mon man lighten up a bit. its just proving that there is some light at the end of a stupid long dark parasite infected tunnel lol...
You want light at the end of the tunnel? Get a quarantine tank. I have a sense of humor, but parasites are not on my list of funny.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You want light at the end of the tunnel? Get a quarantine tank. I have a sense of humor, but parasites are not on my list of funny.
i'll be waiting for you to buy me one then mr. deep pockets....cause at the moment, i'm broke. and i have plenty of people who say they have performed hypo in their DTs and have worked perfectly. so we'll see.


Originally Posted by SkeletonCowboy
i'll be waiting for you to buy me one then mr. deep pockets....cause at the moment, i'm broke. and i have plenty of people who say they have performed hypo in their DTs and have worked perfectly. so we'll see.
No one ever said that salt water keeping was cheap. If you cannot afford a quarantine tank which costs all of $10 for a ten gallon tank+ $15 for a filter and the $3 for the PVC............if $33 is too much for you to spend, then I don't know what else to tell you. You most certainly can perform hypo in the display if your sand is not live with more than bacteria. You have to remove your rocks and all inverts. Remember that ich is an invert. You cannot kill ich without killing all other inverts.


Active Member
Well, quarantine tank really only cost about $50 to $100. Unfortunately, this is not a cheap hobby or one to be in with little to no money. Quarantine tanks are essential to keeping healthy and parasite-free environments. If one were to properly utilize a quarantine tank with all new purchases, the worry and problems with ich would cease to exist from the very start.
Personally, I did not find the video funny at all, either. Ich is a serious matter, one in which, unfortunately, costs the lives of many fish. I see no reason to joke over something like that. You would not post a video which jokes about cancer, would you? I see little difference between the two other than the fact that one affects fish and the other affects humans. There are some people out there who view their fish as part of their family. They love their fish and become very attached to them. Unfortunately, many people are initially led down the wrong path and do not see their mistake(s) (not having/using a quarantine tank) before it is too late. I don't think they would appreciate you joking about the parasite which claimed the life of their fish.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
No one ever said that salt water keeping was cheap. If you cannot afford a quarantine tank which costs all of $10 for a ten gallon tank+ $15 for a filter and the $3 for the PVC............if $33 is too much for you to spend, then I don't know what else to tell you. You most certainly can perform hypo in the display if your sand is not live with more than bacteria. You have to remove your rocks and all inverts. Remember that ich is an invert. You cannot kill ich without killing all other inverts.
you would put a 8 inch dogface puffer, a 4 inch valentini puffer, 5 inch honeycomb puffer, a scopas tang, maroon clown, 2 4-stripe damsels, blue damsel, rectangualr trigger, and a lemonpeel angel in a 10 gallon tank? didnt think so...


Originally Posted by SkeletonCowboy
you would put a 8 inch dogface puffer, a 4 inch valentini puffer, 5 inch honeycomb puffer, a scopas tang, maroon clown, 2 4-stripe damsels, blue damsel, rectangualr trigger, and a lemonpeel angel in a 10 gallon tank? didnt think so...
If you want to know what I would do, I would have quarantined them all prior to putting them into my display. You can remove the rocks and inverts from your tank and hypo the display.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SkeletonCowboy
you would put a 8 inch dogface puffer, a 4 inch valentini puffer, 5 inch honeycomb puffer, a scopas tang, maroon clown, 2 4-stripe damsels, blue damsel, rectangualr trigger, and a lemonpeel angel in a 10 gallon tank? didnt think so...
I wouldn't put that many fish in a 90 gallon either, nor would I put them in the 90 gallon without first quarantining them. But that's just what I would do.
You can certainly hypo your display tank, but as Sepulatian mentioned, all rock and inverts must be removed and put somewhere with a heater and powerhead until the 6 week hypo process is over.
they'll be fine for now. i have a serious question all joking aside, could i have gotten ick from, say... raw oyster you could buy from the grocery store? cause when i first started this whole deal i was feeding that to them few days or so. and 4 months later i was told that raw oyster is like the most parasite ritten thing you can buy. its bad for fish and people alike i guess? i dont know much about seafood, and that you should freeze it first. so could ick come from that? just curious


Originally Posted by SkeletonCowboy
they'll be fine for now. i have a serious question all joking aside, could i have gotten ick from, say... raw oyster you could buy from the grocery store? cause when i first started this whole deal i was feeding that to them few days or so. and 4 months later i was told that raw oyster is like the most parasite ritten thing you can buy. its bad for fish and people alike i guess? i dont know much about seafood, and that you should freeze it first. so could ick come from that? just curious
I highly doubt it being that oysters are washed in FW prior to being sold. If it was an oyster that came out of someone's SW tank, then I would say yes. This one came from a grocery store. I realy don't think so being they are soaked in FW prior to going out to the seafood counter.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
How is this funny? Most people that come to this board are looking for help. This does not provide help, nor does it help matters with others at all. It provides a false sense of what the parasite actually is. This parasite stays in the tank until it is irradicated. This post is not informative, and I personally do not think that it should still be in Disease and Treatment, but it is not my call.
yeah i was thinking it should be moved to the aquarium but i didnt kno between the 2.
i just wanted to shed some light on those new aquarist that think ich isnt unbeatable and are on the edge of quiting so early in the hobby.Nothing else.
I had my fair share battle with ich. spent like 200$ in the war effort when i realized all it took were some precautions and easy treatments
in the battle ive learned:
1. QUARINTINE fish or have ur lfs do it for u if they do. glass tanks are cheap, cheap filter, cheap heater,and a Power heard. if i could have learned anything in the hobby it was to prevent then to treat later
2.Dont be fooled by gimmicks and false products on there. ive learned that only copper(not for all fish), and hypo. kill ich. if it say on the botttle it doesnt hurt liverock and inverts then it doesnt hurt ich either,.
3. if present, treat with hypo (the decrase in specfic grav in tank to 1.09)or
copper at the recomened level.
4.UV sterilizers. a debatable topic...i had one on a small system worked great (55gal) then a 125 with a 40watts of uv well it wasnt so effective anymore.
5.Reinforce health with proper diet and supplent of fresh garlic. FRESH is the keyword. none of that bottle stuff.
6.stress free enviorment-as in adaquet space and compatabilty of fish.
im still a beginner and only have 1 year of experiance and i did the hypo and the battle was over. after was all gone. reinforced with proper diet, lots of space,....lots of cleaner shirimp(cough* 20 total i have a cleaner shrimp not for the ich just because i like them more then fish. and they clean my hands!).
all i can say i wish i quaritined first when i first started...and those of u new shouldnt make like 3847105891 peoples mistake.
. losts o many soldiers(fish) in the war but its all done now. i hope i sent those parasites to hell. muahaha.

ich free since december15 2006.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
How is this funny? Most people that come to this board are looking for help. This does not provide help, nor does it help matters with others at all. It provides a false sense of what the parasite actually is. This parasite stays in the tank until it is irradicated. This post is not informative, and I personally do not think that it should still be in Disease and Treatment, but it is not my call.
yeah, sometimes u just gotta take a joke. ive seen some post around here and peolpe look all desperate to kill ich. they look frustrated and ready to quit the hobby and all. sometimes u jus gotta take a laugh and just's just ich. theres no better medicine then laughter. plus i think it helps the owner a little bit and take off some tension as the link was just to ENCOURAGE them that they are capable of eliminating ich in their tank. this post was more to "cheer up" the owner in his her process in this part of the hobby.


That was inspiring...!
Cryptocaryon Anonymous
Hi im Greg, and i've been battling ich for 2 1/2 weeks...
I was over it for about 6 or 7 months and now it's back...