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Sorry, but this statement makes no sense to me. But then, since I'm depicted as the Lead Liberal on this forum, I suppose I have a hard time decripting what Ultra Conservative verbage means.
The link posted on this thread is some outrageous rant by someone who apparently misread or misinterpreted what the Massachusetts law wants to do to comply with this supposed H1N1 outbreak. I haven't read the law, nor seen this response from FoxNews, but I honestly doubt you would see police forcibly hold someone down who would refuse to get vaccinated for a communicable disease. Aren't the conservatives the one's who keep screaming, "Keep the Federal Govt. out of my business! Leave it to the state and local governments to handle those issues! " OK. This is the state making this edict, not some Obama policy. This requiremnet falls in line with state mandated requirements for immunizations for a school-age child before they enter school. The State of Massachusetts in mandating that all children will get vaccinated for the H1N1 virus. I remember seeing a news article right before school started this year where some city in the US had informed parents that if they didn't get their children immunized with all the required immunizations, they could be subjected to arrest because their kids could not be admitted into the schools, and they essentially broke the local truancy laws for their kids not attending school. They had it on the national news, and I remember seeing people in this big long line waiting to get their kids their shots. There were several people upset and complaining about it, but in the end, every kid got their shot. Guess this must have happened in Massachusetts.
a liberal is a liberal whether he is writing laws for the state or for the nation. Doesn't change the fact that he is wrong, even if it is legal at the state level.
The difference is, at the state level, they can get away with different stuff since state's constitutions are different.
and if you can understand the KEY and MAIN difference between liberal and conservative ideology, it explains why you vote liberal.
But I'll restate it for you. Liberals think people can't be relied upon to make their own decisions. So they have government tell the people what they can and can't do.
Conservatives think government can't be relied upon to make good decisions so. They have the people tell the government what they can and can't do.
It is like Obama complained.
" It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties.
Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted..."
It is that simple.
And to me this quote more than just about any other quote is the root problem and the most scary thing about Obama's ideology.