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Ah, the voice of medical facism. You vill take ze shot und you vill not upset the social orders. Since the flu kills far more than the three mentioned, do we jail all those who contract it? Oh, and how about all those MD's and phd's who say the danger of vaccinations outweigh the benefit? I guess to the gulag with them, as well? I mean after all their dissension is endangering public health and order, right? Oh hey, what about the pharmaceutical companies that have been proven to have killed people with their bad vaccinations? Oh yeah, their protected by Federal law. Their victims, er patients, got what they deserved, right?
What is an interesting question, is where is the line between privacy, and harming other's when it comes to mandating vaccinations.
Most conservatives will accept the premise that constitutionally the government's job is to ensure that you have the ability to do what you want as long as it doesn't harm a fellow citizen (it is a concept thoroughly explored by Tocqueville.)
If you are not vaccinated for easily communicable diseases, then you infect other's then that would be harming another person, albeit inadvertently.
(this is my completely serious no salacious or tweeking comment included.) And a great argument coming from a right wing point of view for government mandating vaccinations.