Found new hitch hikers (pods?)


Active Member
The first pods I noticed were long and skinny, very tiny, and I think those are capepods (I have thousands of them now). In looking at my tank today I noticed a new pod. They are larger than my other pods and are round with six (that I can see) long legs. Could these actually be baby starfish? At this point they look white and they are a larger than the first pods, but still rather tiny. Sorry, but to small for me to post pics. Any idea on what these can be? I know there are some pods you don't want, so I'm just wondering what these new ones are. I don't think they are baby starfish as they look like spiders, but I have no idea what a baby starfish would look like, so that's why I'm asking.


I have copepods but I also have some pods that look like baby shrimp but moving super fast. I have not been able to take a picture yet.


Active Member
Well, the long skinny ones I have do move very fast. But these new round ones don't seem to move around at all, they are just stuck to the glass.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Well, the long skinny ones I have do move very fast. But these new round ones don't seem to move around at all, they are just stuck to the glass.
Could be snail eggs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sfoister
Could be snail eggs.
I seriously doubt it, as they have legs and I have yet to see any snails in my tank (not to say I don't have any). I'm pretty sure they are a type of pod, but not sure what kind. I'll have to keep an eye on them to see if they get any bigger.
Anyone else have spider like pods in their tanks?


I think they may be a type of jellyfish that appear in new tanks. forgot the name. super small. clean them off the glass should help.


Pictured is a hydroid jellyfish. I always get them in my new tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by vicegrip
Pictured is a hydroid jellyfish. I always get them in my new tanks.

:scared: That's them! So I DON'T want these in my tank, right? Would using my mag-float do the trick or should I make sure they are completely dead? Now I'm worried because I'm seeing a lot of these and who knows how many are in my sand and rocks.


They are supposed to go away on there own. I like to think it helps to use the mag-float. Then the corals can eat them and skimmer suck them up but I don't know that to be true either. Just makes me feel like I'm doing something.
Besides who wants fuzzies on there glass,right.

bang guy

The hydroid stage of Hydroid Jellyfish. They eat pods so once you get your tank going and the fish reduce the number of pods the Hydroids will probably die out.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Sergeant
I also have some pods that look like baby shrimp but moving super fast. I have not been able to take a picture yet.
Mysid Shrimp?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
The hydroid stage of Hydroid Jellyfish. They eat pods so once you get your tank going and the fish reduce the number of pods the Hydroids will probably die out.
Besides Mandarins (I know I can't have for at least a year), what other fish will eat pods? Will clowns eat them?

bang guy

Originally Posted by azfishgal
Besides Mandarins (I know I can't have for at least a year), what other fish will eat pods? Will clowns eat them?
Most fish will eat them. Some are better at it than others.


Originally Posted by vicegrip
Pictured is a hydroid jellyfish. I always get them in my new tanks.

Good to know. I asked about these some time ago but never got really got a definate answer.