ok i got a 10inch or more tang god he is awesome and he is a pig he eats everything silver sides flakes lettuce krill . the guy at the store said he will eat me out of house and home . does any one on here ever have one just want some info . he already showed he is not the fish to miss with the puffer i don,t know why . but he nipped the tangs tail and all i can saw the tang opened a can of woop {edit} lol. and the tomato tried him and now he knows to saty away . he gets along fine with my yellow tang it is cool they are buddies. got him dirt cheap 80.00 bucks it belongs to a heart doctor who just was supose to leave his fish at the store 24 hrs it has been a month so i got him now. he also has a tusk which i might go get 80.00 bucks also and he is big