Fox Coral


Active Member
I would defenitely like to see some more lps corals as this is what my focus is. I also have another suggestion for the sharks out there. How about a separate forum for the three main coral types? SPS, LPS, and Softies? this would be great to do someresearch as well as get some real isolated info instead of searching through thousands of posts. Just a thought


Here's my Fox, it's about 8" across. It cost me $15 because I bout a card at LFS that allowed me to get 10 corals for $150.

nm reef

Active Member
DDT...that type you have is identical to mine. The color and growth pattern are the same...your pic looks better...but they are identical in shape and color. Mine is longer than it appears ...maybe 6"-7" in length and about 4"_5" in width when fully extended.


Active Member
A later post made me go back to this one because I wanted to read about the fox coral. I would like for the next coral of the week to me the green hammer coral...thanks


yes i'd like to see a hammer next week. Im new to reefs, and was wondering what tissue resession looks like.

nm reef

Active Member
Since the response to this "Coral of the Week" idea was so positive...and since I've had a few requests to continue it...Sunday I plan to start a new one...I'm thinking maybe your pics and info ready....I'll post it up on Sunday or maybe Saturday night.....:cool:
In order to keep posts of this nature running smooth I think maybe we should limit pic size to avoid problems....say maybe a max size of 500x500...of course this would be voluntary...but it would help keep topics like this smooth especially for those of us with old fashion dial-ups!
Also....I'd like to invite some of you(BigMac) with extensive experience with clams/SPS/or other types of corals to submit "Coral of the Week" ideas.....I'd like to keep the idea running and maybe develope a series of "coral of the Week" threads for future reference...What ya'all this something we may want to collectively pursue?
My e-mail addy is
if you want to develope a new "Coral of the Week" or if you simply want to discuss the idea futher.


Staff member
Excellent idea NMReef! I also like the idea about perhaps working on more specific forums that have to do with coral types, perhaps something to think about if we can get interest up on this type of subject. Awhile back, we did actually have this, but it didn't get much participation so it was cut.
I have a fragged frog-spawn that came off a larger piece. Hopefully when my "RYE" camera gets in, I'll be able to figure out how to use it and post a pic too!

nm reef

Active Member
Beth is getting a camera!!!!
Certain folks in the shark tank will be pleased...myself I'd be happy to see your system.....and I agree that maybe we can futher develope this idea into a specific forum or series of threads that can be available for future reference. We definitely have the members with experience to focus on a very large assortment of corals....for now I think its best to simply see where this concept goes....Ideally I'd like to find a way to have numerous "Coral of the Week" threads" saved so they could be easily accessed for reference....but my thinking is that we should procede with some sense of continunity(sic)...what I mean is each "Coral of the Week" thread should be like previous versions. Does that make sense ya'all....provide in-put here...after all it is "your" forum.


Active Member
Good ideas on everyone's part. I am interested on how this will go as well. Should be an enlightening experience to many of us.
I too am anxious for Beth to get the "RYE" camera and see some pics. ;)


great idea. maybe you guys could work on each weeks coral in the shark tank before you put it in the forum. that way the sharks/mods can post your experiences and opinions before the rest of us post. the people here trust what u guys say more than the average joe and at least your info will be the first on the list and not lost somewhere in the middle.

nm reef

Active Member
Rye...I'd like to hear what you'd suggest as far as size limits on posted pics...being as you're the "resident photo expert"...and alti....I somewhat dis-agree on previewing this thru the shark tank....most of the experience and expertise is out here in the forum...myself I feel we moderators are simply around to prevent/avoid conflicts. The true knowledge pool is actually here in the forum.....but thanks for the mention of us lowly old feeble moderators.
More input.....I'd like to hear what ya'all want out of this concept.
Sorry the pic is a bit blurry...still learning how to use my digital camera. It is more advanced than I am! This fox is about 1/3 way up tank under VHO lighting. I have had no success spot feeding, but it seems to thrive regardless. It receives alternating current. I dose with Coral Heaven ans sometimes DT's.

reef fool

Active Member
Here is mine. Doesn't seem to be bothered by my torch coral. I too feed DT's every other day and direct feed meaty foods every 10 days or so. Paid $45 for it. Do a hammer coral next week, one of my favorites!


I think this is an excellent idea. I think a hammer or frogspawn would be great for Sunday. I would definately love to see more stuff about SPS corals. It seems that not as many people keep them....maybe due to their requirments, but they are what I really love.


Definitely keep some type of "coral of the week" threads going!! It's a great way for us to learn and research corals and their requirements.
I'd personally be interested in seeing more on LPS and softies!


Active Member
Rye...I'd like to hear what you'd suggest as far as size limits on posted pics
Not sure. Is there going to be a new size limit for photos? It seems as if people get by nicely at the limits right now. For those of us who can host pics from a site......we are safe either way correct? If we are to change it......maybe a number like 640x480. This is a very common cropping number that still gives you a good size ration (like a traditional 4"x6" photo). If we do take it to a number as such.......people will be able to post pics up to 307,200 pixels..........just over three times the quality of the current limit. This would increase the quality we could post but, slow things down for the dial-up folks a little bit. Still wouldn't be terrible lag time. Just a thought.


I think jamesurg is onto something here. My biggest problem with doing a search is the amount of unrelated posts I must sift through to find out what I need. Typically you run a search and the topic is discussed briefly followed by many posts about another topic or off topic subjects. Secondly for those of us trying to do research on a particular coral the wrong key word might be used do to differing common names in a particular region (ie trumpet, candy cane; hammer, anchor etc). For those just starting out in reefkeeping, I had this problem, it can be extremely frustrating. As Jamesurg suggested, removing the thread to a forum strickly dedicated to reefkeepers EXPERIENCES with each "coral of the week" is perfect.
Although, IMO, allowing people to conitue to post presents the same problems with doing a search. People will want to ask questions and as such I think once removed to the "coral of the week" forum any additional posts should be limited to a reefkeeper's experiences. This way the amount of off topic or unrelated subject matter is kept to a minimum.


I also think moving the thread into another section after a week is a good idea. I don't really think we should leave the thread open after it is moved. A week's worth of comments and pictures of a certain coral is plenty. It would also be quite a bit of info for those looking for answers on a certain type of coral, or just want to see what a certain coral looks like and what others do to keep it happy in the aquarium.