I think jamesurg is onto something here. My biggest problem with doing a search is the amount of unrelated posts I must sift through to find out what I need. Typically you run a search and the topic is discussed briefly followed by many posts about another topic or off topic subjects. Secondly for those of us trying to do research on a particular coral the wrong key word might be used do to differing common names in a particular region (ie trumpet, candy cane; hammer, anchor etc). For those just starting out in reefkeeping, I had this problem, it can be extremely frustrating. As Jamesurg suggested, removing the thread to a forum strickly dedicated to reefkeepers EXPERIENCES with each "coral of the week" is perfect.
Although, IMO, allowing people to conitue to post presents the same problems with doing a search. People will want to ask questions and as such I think once removed to the "coral of the week" forum any additional posts should be limited to a reefkeeper's experiences. This way the amount of off topic or unrelated subject matter is kept to a minimum.