Fox Coral


NM Reef,
Great idea.
As jamessurg and Ags have indicated, I'd really appreciate one, central place to look for some real-life coral-keeping experience.
I try to learn everything I can about a coral before I start looking around to buy one. Having this kind of information readily available would be invaluable!


Jameserq, you have a point there. I didn't think of a situation like that and wanting to go in and make adjustments to what you posted before. My thinking was as someone else said if you leave the thread open eventually it'll get off topic. Eitherway there could be a problem. We'll let the mods do thier jobs and decide that for us:D


I think the vast majority of threads are those where the question is answered and/or the issue is addressed and the thread stops. I really don't see a problem with an open thread going off topic. That usually happens only when the topic is controversial.
If someone is offering advice after only a weeks experience, I'd hope that important point would be mentioed in the post.
If new threads are controlled by the moderators, only....and we're allowed to post our responses/comments/edits/questions, etc......i think it would work just fine.