fox face in reef

bang guy

I have had a Foxface for several years and she has been a model citizen. I have heard of them picking on corals, especially Xenia but I have not personally witnessed it.


depends on the other type of fishes u have in ur tank. and the size. we have a 55 gal with a fox face. we call him Camo. lol..
he is non agressive. typically very friendly with other fish esp our powder blue tang. they like to tag along with each other. incase u dont know, at night when u shut down ur ligths. they become a mottled mess. "camo them selfs to blend in with their surroudings" even do this when stressed or scared. their venemous spines on dorsal fins
hope this helps. we love ours


Active Member
Our city library has one in their saltwater display... funny thing, one of the librarians got finned on the hand by the Foxface while feeding the tank, and they called 911 because they thought it was deadly.


Originally Posted by TexasMetal
Our city library has one in their saltwater display... funny thing, one of the librarians got finned on the hand by the Foxface while feeding the tank, and they called 911 because they thought it was deadly.
For some people it can be a serious problem. They are venomous.


Active Member
I reallize that, but with all those books no one knew for sure how poisonous they are.
Bee stings don't bother me in the least, but I know some people can die from them. Allergic reactions. Dangit. You took the fun out of it Thomas.
She was alright. It irritated her hand pretty good but no serious complications. She recieved an award for calling out the EMS crew and spending about $900 of the city's money on an emergency call. "Injured on the job"...haha.

mandarin w

When I first set my 75 gal reef up my LFS sold us a sailfin tang, in fact he was the first fish I had in my tank, a week later I asked about getting a tank mate for the sailfin, they sugested the fox face. Told me he was reef safe, and would get along great with the sailfin. Three or four weeks later, I was told that the fox face was venomous. Which posed a very serious problem.. My daughter is allergic to bee stings. Deadly allergic she has to carry an shot kit with her at all times. Last time she got stung, she was down in less the three minutes. She is the one that always helped me with the tank maintenance.
I was very upset that the LFS didn't tell me about that. When I tried to take the fish back they wouldn't take it, or give me credit. They told me I should have told them my daughter had an allergy to bee stings. What the hell kind of answer is that. I;m supose to walk into Wal-mart, petsmart, walgreens or even a grocerie store and yell. HEY EVERYBODY MY DAUGHTER IS ALERGIC TO BEE STINGS, SO DON;T SELL ME ANYTHING THAT MIGHT HARM HER!!!! This was a few years ago, and now I have the internet to find out a lot more things. But I still that it also the responsibility of the store owner to inform it customers of all the info for the things that they may be buying.


Active Member
A great addition to a reef tank I think. Just keep in mind that they can get to pretty good size. Here's mine:


I love my Foxface. I was also afraid about it being venomous, but they are pretty docile. We've had our hands in the tank many times (re-arranging rock, etc) and never had a problem with him. I would recommend a Foxface to anyone with a saltwater tank.

jam marine

Thanks for all the replys,i am getting the fox face tomorrow,so i will post some pictures on the weekend,druluv,i know i have not posted in a while,definately this weekend