fox face


i just bought a baby fox face today for $5 from my friend at the lfs..
my question is what should i feed this guy...and how can i give this guy a good home..
any info would be great.
thanx in advance for any help.


how big of a tank does it tank is 48'' long..
and where would i get those sheets from?...sorry im a newB..


Active Member
you could get them at your lfs, i guess you would sya they have the same requirments as a tang, i've seen them listen as tangs. so in my book i'd say they were, alot of people sa 6 feet is perfect.. unless you can get more, ross on this board has an 84 gallon tank that is 6 feet long


Active Member
foxface make a great reef fish they are vary similar to tangs as sated except that they are less aggressive they do need about a daily feeding of seaweed as stated and will also need regular food once a day such as mysis shrimp or brine but preferily brine if he is big enough to eat it
they are fairly hardy but remember they are poisonious on ther top dorsal spines and there sting isnt fun so be careful


New Member
My fox face will eat flake, krill (frozen) squid (frozen) . seems to not be a picky eater, really likes the seaweed sheets excellent coloration after eating it


Active Member
They are Herbivores and need a Herbivore diet. Formula two, algae sheets, macro algae, etc. Like tangs they are prone to HLLE so make sure his diet needs are met.
I would feed him some brine shrimp, if you have algae in your tank and he is eating it, I wouldnt feed him the sheets of algae til your algae is gone.


I have one in my 55gal. He seems happy. Mine eats anything I feed the others. He loves nori. The stuff you wrap sushi with. You can get it cheap at an asian market. Make sure its not flavored.A fox face will clean out any plants you try to keep in the tank.


thanx guys...
he is still hiding behind my rock..all i see is his face every once in a while..
how long do you think it will take for him to come out of hiding?