Originally Posted by
Fats71 http:///forum/post/2534885
Possibly what you said but what I read about that it does not give a ccure andd does not show any pics of it.
Aws for thhe ammonia and nitrates I dunno what the deal is. I am running a huge skimmer 2 filters 2 koralias snails gobie etc. The lfs was at my house said it looked awsome and a perfect setup.... I dunnno what to do to drop it without chemicals annd I dont wanna drop chems into my DT.
Any suggestions would be great and as far as thhe black spots what cann I do to help thhe lil guy its my sons fish and I dont want it to be the fish he had to flush.
Here are pictures of it https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/127010/diseased-fish-pictures#post_914754
How is the fish eating and acting? You can stop adding fish to the tank for awhile. That will allow the biological bacteria colonies to build. The tank is new. You have to let it stabilize.