Foxface general questions


I have my new foxface and love him so far! They are ugly when sleeping, but great to watch during the day. Mine is as active as a wrasse and constantly swimming all over. He's amazingly fast too!
My asfur angel keeps nipping at him though. There are no big bite marks or anything but will this continue or will it stop once the angel has established itself as top dog?
I was told they are herbovores so I was surprised to see him krill that I was feeding my puffer. Is it "bad" for him to eat meat?
So should I feed him mostly veggies or veggies and some meat or what?


IMO I would think he would stop eventualy. Most fish fear their spines and generaly back off. They are herbivores however when I feed my others blood worms or krill he takes up to it like its going out of style. I do however still feed him seaweed and algae. Be sure to keep the the angel fed. He may just be showing some dominance and hopefuly as you said when showed he may stop. If not you might place him in another tank. If you dont have one he may defend himself once settled into his new environment.



Originally posted by

i was told at the lfs that the foxface can change colors with is surroundings. is this true?

When stressed or scared or sleeping at night they will change. They also change this way at night because they do blend in with a background to hide from predators. The colors are a light brown with white and a few black lite spots. HTH


Here are a few pictures. They are pretty during the day but look like death itself when stressed.
Here is a normal foxface:

Here is a fox face stressed:

Here is one sleeping:


Beautiful Foxface...We have 1 in our 300 that will eat Shrimp, Fish, or other meaty products if so desired but loves his veggies! We drop a handful of calerpa in for him every few days and he has no problem cleaning it up either. At night he lays back in the rocks and camoflages himself for the night and back out in full color the next morning. Doesn't seem to bother anyone in the tank after we took the other foxface out. There was a war of dominance even though they were different and we decided to make a donation to our friends tank.