Foxface in 90 gallon yes or no?


i have a 90 gallon and wanted to get a foxface in the future. For fish right now i have 3 green chromis, 2 tru perc clownfish, 1 royal gramma, 1 lawnmower blenny and i yellow watchman goby. For future fish i want a firefish goby, flame angel and mandarin but that is for when my tank is well established. If i can't get the foxface what other fish should i get? Ive posted this before but didn't really get that many responses hopefully i can get more this time.

bang guy

If there are no other large fish then I think it's OK.
I only say this because I've seen very old Foxface in 4' tanks on more than 1 occasion. Pygmy Angels are better suited though.


Why do you have so small fish? It's a 90 not a 20....The Flame Angelfish I doubt would have problems....If the Foxface won't workout for you try a Hardy Butterfly :happyfish


they get huge im sure you could get a small one but it will not last in there forever


ok if you guys say yes where are there some people on here that say they get to big for a 90 and you have to treat foxfaces like tangs and yes that is basically the only large fish i want.


Foxfaces grow to 9" max. Unless you are talking about a different breed from the common foxface siganus vulpinus. A 75 gallon tank is recomended for them. There are other breeds of rabbitfish that grow larger, but the Foxface Lo does not get that large. They do not require the huge amounts of space that tangs require. They are certainly active, but one will be fine in a 90 gallon IMO.


No experience with foxfaces here, but everything I've read says they'd do okay in a 90-gallon!


Active Member
as i said befroe which i think im the only one to disagree with a fox in a 90.. i think it is very possible if you get a very little foxface , such as the ones that are only 3 inches long that is ee in petstore all the time. It will take sometime to grow so you will be able to house him for awhile , but is till cant see everyones argument on a fullgrow in a 90.
This is only my opinion, but i look at my foxface now and picture him in a 90 gallon and he would really dominate the tank

bang guy

I'll agree with that. I can't imagine my Foxy living in a 4 foot tank.
All I was saying is that I've seen large, old Foxface in 4' tanks.
I've never seen an old Tang in a 4' tank other than a Kole. This leads me to believe it's just a bad idea for Tangs and perhaps Foxface don't have the same requirements.


Originally Posted by jfingers088
i have a 90 gallon and wanted to get a foxface in the future. For fish right now i have 3 green chromis, 2 tru perc clownfish, 1 royal gramma, 1 lawnmower blenny and i yellow watchman goby. For future fish i want a firefish goby, flame angel and mandarin but that is for when my tank is well established. If i can't get the foxface what other fish should i get? Ive posted this before but didn't really get that many responses hopefully i can get more this time.
I have a foxface in a 120. It will work just fine in a 90. Mine is well behaved, and a great fish to have. He also is a good hair algae eater.


Active Member
I have a foxface lo & female bellus in my 90. They are the only two larger fish, and only water column swimmers. They get along great for the most part. Foxfaces tend to follow other fish and sometimes I think the bellus gets tired of it. She will give a body flick, but the foxface throws up his spines and that settles that.

eel freak

omg yes i have one in a 72 gallon tank. he is so dosile i feed him out of my hands.but
watche those poisnous spines
trust me


Active Member
Originally Posted by eel freak
omg yes i have one in a 72 gallon tank. he is so dosile i feed him out of my hands.but
watche those poisnous spines
trust me
Have you gotten poked by one before? If you do what happens? Anything serious?


Originally Posted by Kevin34
Have you gotten poked by one before? If you do what happens? Anything serious?

lol they are about as "venomous" as a wasp.... seriously.


Active Member
I have to disagree with the last statement. It depends on the person and how sensitive they are. All this stuff kills me. My boss got nailed a couple times, it did'nt look fun. She said it hurt really bad, and her hand swelled up & turned all kinds of colors. The worst thing I have felt since starting this hobby was fire coral, it was excruciating and hurt for two months. Some can have an allergic reaction. With the foxface if you are careful you will never get stung. Do not net catch, use a plastic container or a bag. watch where they are when you feed, they get very friendly and excited at feeding time. They will pop their spines up and down and if you don't watch where they are when you put your hand in the tank...yowch. Always have white vinegar handy for tank related stings, and if you have an allergic reaction, seek medical help.


Active Member
Thud lol they are about as "venomous" as a wasp.... seriously.
Seriously, if your allergic to wasp stings and you get whacked by a foxface you can/will die..
noone should take any venomous fish lightly as they can most definantly kill you