Foxface Opinions?


Thanks for your picture! I melt all of our frozen food offerings in a cup of tank water before I put them in the tank...thanks for that suggestion!
I don't think I see any bones really.
Did you foxface eat the algae sheets? Do they take time to adjust to eating in a new tank? I have never seen our Foxface eat the Green Algae Sheet I put in the tank (with a clip on the glass). I have tried a few spots & have found one that is a bit more "private" than the front glass of the tank, as our Foxface seems to be a bit shy still.
Our LFS service guy said he didn't think a Foxface would eat the algae sheet, but I've heard quite the contrary on the web.


Active Member
well I never used it for my majestic but my bicolored loves the stuff.but like every one else in the tank he eats everything and anything that I feed ai stated before the sheets arwe not a basic diet for him mainly a snack to graze on once he gets more settled im sure he will do fine


Well...Foxface still doesn't seem at all interested in the algae sheets. Should I keep them available, just in case he decides to try it? Or am I just polluting my tank & wasting $?
He eats very well now...although he's still not completely yellow in color. From what I've watched, nobody is picking on him. The 2 Green Chromis always are "kissing" at each other, which I assume means they're not getting along, but nobody has nipped fins or anything, so I assume they're working it out. :)
But the foxface does come out now when I approach the tank ( just like the green chromis do) in anticipation of food. He used to just swim away & hide in the rocks when I came to the tank. So I know he's settling in slowly...


Active Member
sounds like hes getting adjusted I wouldnt bother with the algae sheets for now if no one is eating them at all.if you want him to have extra green toss in some macro algae can purchase that from LFS even fresh kelp.