Thanks! That's how I defrost my frozen cubes is with the tank water...I thought you meant that you warmed up the water extra! Guess I'm a goober...
We were gone for a few hours & came home to find Foxface doing the neatest thing (I guess it's neat...not harmful?) One of our larger hermit crabs was in the sand under a rock, & the Foxface kept backing up to it with it's tail & letting the hermit pick off it's lymphocist! At first I thought the hermit was attacking the Foxface, but the Foxface kept backing up to the hermit again & again & they lymphocyst is about 1/3 the size it was Monday. Neat!!! He was also almost completely yellow, but when he came out to feed, his brown back returned, so I'm guessing he's still a bit stressed with the new tank. I'm going to get the algae flake food today at the LFS...he's digging the Marine Cuisine & Cyclopeeze wafers, & will take a Formula Two small pellet here or there, but I know none of that is all he should be eating! I wrote down your suggestions from this thread & another thread about a Blue Powder Tang (I think), and will see if I can find what you use.
I don't know if cleaner shrip eat Ich, and maybe it's not ich to begin with..but the white spots I was seeing are gone, and the cleaner has been on the Foxface a few times that I've seen...I'm sure I've missed some rendevous!

Still has the hazy eyes...but it's much much better than yesterday & is pretty much clear if I shine a flashlight at them...
Here's hoping!