

How big do these guys get? I think I have an outbreak of sea grapes and I hear they eat them. I have a 75gal with about 100lbs of LR. Also I know they are peaceful, but I have two perc clowns, a purple firefish, two pj cardinals, and a orange spotted goby, and numerous inverts and corals. Will they all get along? :help:


Active Member
They can get up to about 9" but they're pretty gentle as swf go. Just try to grab one. Should do well in a reef tank but keep an eye on them. Most will eat calurpa and other algea. Rarely will eat filamentous algea though. I've had one for about a year in with an aggressive tank. He's about 6.5" and a great specimen. They tend to grow slow. Here's mine.


Active Member
Wow! Hard to tell from the picture that it's not cyano. If it's the small seedy kind of red calurpa then I have no clue if the foxface will eat it. They are omnivores with a strong liking to plant life. But as always, these fish are individuals and what some will eat, others won't.
Good Luck and let us know what happens.


It is not cyano because it is little round bubbles, but it is red so it is not bubble algae, believe me I know what bubble algae looks like I had quite the infestation.

bang guy

I believe it is Red Valonia AKA bubble algae.
Sea grapes grow on a stem. Search for a post 'grapes'. I think it was Waterfaller but I'm not positive.
I hate old age :confused: :notsure:


I did not know that bubble algae came in red. Also why don't my emerald crabs eat it then? :notsure:

bang guy

A piece of Shrimp.
I'll admit, she still make me nervous too. She's always following me around the lagoon and when I'm working on something underwater she's always there checking it out. When the spines come out, so do my hands.