Frag tank + more


Active Member
Originally Posted by myzislow
what does being addicted to crack have anything to do with wanting to purchase some duncans? Crack kills/
Corals/frags they are like crack... get it? I guess it's more of an inside joke with us addicted to corals. We call frag and coral sellers crack houses.


NO, I'm slow and definitely didn't get it. I had no clue that you were joking, I thought you were actually a crack head. Addicted to corals? Yeah, I have no idea what that's like

Anyway, you're welcome for the reading tip


Active Member
viper that frag tank's sick. lovin the fungia garden too. that red one's great.
can you post a pic of the frag tank from the side?


Active Member
Thanks for the comments.
rbrockm1, I do regular water changes and dose with kalkwasser. Nothing much to my secret. :)
SpiderWoman, I do sell the ORA duncans for $30/polyp. They're a little more expensive than the new wild caught duncans since they're more green than any others, have been acclimated to captivity for over a decade, and did I mention they're more green?

alix2.0, I can't really get a pic from the side of my frag tank. One side is made with black acrylic and the other side has an egg crate barrier.
myzislow, here's a pic of the grafted simplex from about a month ago. It looks big, but the green covers less than half of the colony. Most of the growing tips are 100% purple and this has actually stunted the growth of the green pigments. An analogy I can relate this to is that if you hammer in a nail into the middle of a young tree at 3 ft. above the ground and wait 10 years, the nail will still be 3 ft. high. Only the tips grow and the green pigments on the base do not.
Because of this, I fragged off the purple branches to the point that the green pigments would be on the tips of the branches remaining on the colony. This way the new growth will continue to grow with the greens. Unfortunately only one of the four large frags survived and I have no idea why. I've never had such high mortality from fragging, especially with large frags.
First pic is the simplex from a year ago. Second pic is the colony a month ago. Third pic is when I fragged it. All of those four cuttings have 0% green on them.



Sorry to hear that they didn't make, it is a very beautiful coral. The Blue Squamosa is very nice!!! I hope I never come across one for sale, I am afraid I will buy it, and anyone that knows anything about Blue Squamosas, knows that they are not cheap. Maybe I can trade one of my RBTAs for one, it recently split last month!
wow, thats a giant amount of corals. your rbta has the best color of any anemone ive ever seen (except wango tango's-green w/ orange tips). its so.... red.