Fragmenting Mushromms . . .


After starting my tank, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to turn it into a reef and so I did. I picked up some polyps and mushrooms and have enjoyed them ever since. I learned from reading on this board that you can frag mushrooms so I decided to give it a try. So here it goes. This particular mushroom was a free floater that I received at the LFS with the ones on the rock I bought. I placed him on the bottom of my tank with little tiny rocks around him in hopes he would attach to one. He did and I moved him up next to the other rock. As this is my first time to frag a mushroom, it seemed fitting to use the free floater. The one to the far left.


The tools I will be using:
Dish to move mushroom to operation table
New razor blade that you would use in an mat knife
Scotch super glue gel: to glue mushroom to rock. I got this at Wal Fart for $1.50 or so. . .
Quick Count Plastic Canvas: this will go over the mushrooms to hold them in place in case the glue fails. I got this at Wal Fart for $.36 . . .
Rubber bands: hold plastic canvas in place
Paper towel: to dry off the spots on the rock I will be gluing


I use the razor blade and a little pulling to get him off the tiny rock he was on and now ready to cut him in half.
He was tougher to cut through then I had imagined.


My plan was to cut him into 4 pieces, but after the first and only cut he seemed too small for me to cut again. I read that it is better to have larger frags than smaller ones. Being the first time for me to frag, I am going to play it safe.


Using the paper towel to dry off the spot where I will attach the frags, I am now adding the super glue gel. Why gel over a liquid? That’s a good question, that I don’t know hee hee! Once again, I read that you use gel. I am thinking if it had been liquid, it would have been all over the rock. The little drop size blob I used stayed right were I wanted it to while I got the frags over to it.


Adding the first frag to the rock. I placed him right on top of the glue and gently pushed down until I could see the glue flatten out.


Now I cut the plastic canvas to cover the frags and rubber band it in place. You can see it does not take much, but I made sure that if the glue does not hold them down, they can’t float away.


Give them a quick rinse from water from the tank. Yes, I read that the juice from them is poisons and should not go in to your tank.


I am learning here as I go and hope some of you may learn as well from my experience. This type of thread has been done in the past and I will say I followed its style. With that said, I would like to thank Kip4130 for making this information available to use. I will up date every one about my success or failure. And post more pictures as they move along. I plan on taking off the plastic canvas in a week or so.
Thanks to all who spent the time on reading my thread and comments are welcome.


New Member
Very cool pics and discription of your mushrooms. Hope everything works out for you. :happyfish


looks like you did a good job. i have never been able to glue a mushroom because of all the slime. let me know how it goes. :)


I can tell that the glue is not holding! Plastic canvas is . . . After looking at them I was thinking they my like it in a lower flow area then the one I have them in now. So I have moved them and there not shacking as much.
I will let you know how it goes.


Active Member
Nice description, the way i do it is direct a power head at the shroom (they dont like it and will move leaving baby shrooms in their trail:)


But if I can help them do what they do best why not. And save a buck or two. You think it’s hard to look at him cut in half. Just think of what it was like for me. I felt bad oh I did I did.

Thank for the complements.


The glue is not toxic??? I heard using a rubber band placed over the mouth of the shroom will cause it to divide.