FREE DIGI'S-Louisville KY


Active Member
Sorry, but I'm not really trying to ship anything. Just too much of a hastle. Now certainly isn't the best time either with the temps here. A buddy of mine just recieved a purple acro from the Dr's site, and he said the temp of the H2O was 65, and that was with the hand heaters. But, if your ever up this way...


New Member
hello i hav been running my tank for 4 months with lr,ls and stocking with plants, i do not hav any fish or coral, because frankfart has nothing most of my items come from the net can anyone tell me where in louisv i can find a reliable store. we hav a pet store but yellow tangs are 50 dollars rediculous if any one need mangroves i will trade hav extras how can i get frags from u all please help. how is this aquatica


Active Member
I'd glady help you out with a few frags, but your water has to be pristine for SPS or they won't make it. Do you have a skimmer, MH's, and NO nitrates?
Aquatica is by far and away the best LFS in Louisville IMHO. The owner is a class act, he has the largest selection of SPS in town, and his prices can't be beat. Something I can't say for the other store in town.
Google: Aquatica Reef Louisville


Active Member
hey hurt there is a pic of that frag on this forum now as well as the reef forum since no one can apparently ID it, take a look and let me know what you think. You can't see the base but it is a pearlascent green color


New Member
i do not have a protein skimmer i am trying a new approach. when i first started in 2000 i had all of those gadgets,i moved home and gave everything to my mom now she is hooked ,her having more money bought all kinds of stuff,the fish i took her still live but corals gone and i know she treats them like babies . i have halides,acts,and lunar. my tank has been running for a while with nothing in it but plants . i cycled my tank with uncurred live rock and lve sand it took a very long time to do but will be best in the long run. my nh3=0,no2=0,n03=5.


rose with purple tip monti digi
If you're willing to ship, I would obviously pay for shipping cost. Sure would like some of this listed above.