Last night I pulled a 14 inch long bristle worm from my tank! He must have been in there from the beginning.(at least 2 yrs) So far he hasn't damaged anything but I don't like the looks of him. Does anyone have a use for him? I hate to flush him. You just pay shipping from TX.
Yes, I am trying to post a picture. I need to make the photo smaller. Keep watching. I'll figure it out.
I caught it with my long handled grabbers. It was stretched as 2 rocks with its head in the sand. I grabbed it in the middle and lifted into the bucket. It doesn't show any signs of injury and is crawling around.
WOW! I was actually hoping for smaller details. I was hoping to show it to Dr Ron for an ID. I'm curious how to tell which are the ones that grow to large sizes. I know some get atleast 3 feet long. Thanks.
Recently saw a post on another forum where a member from here tore down his reef to remove a 4'+ long bristle worm from the PVC used to support his LR!!
He had pics of it too...the thing was huge!!! He was concerned about possible damage to a few of his corals and was convinced the worm was the culprit. Judging from the size of the one he removed I'd have been concerned too!!
I regularly see dozens of them in both my reef and my fish only(the refugiums also) but the largest I've ever seen is only about 4"-6" in length...makes me wonder whats living under the sand beds that I've never seen!!
that is one nasty bugger, i have quite a few of them, biggest is probaly 5-7 inches. They scare, me, and when i showed my mom, she screamed and ran out of my room( she hates worms and insects).
Don't like to make referrals to other sources, but in the interest of saving a marine creature, I would say to check in with Dr. sammy is already kinda suggesting.
Without a clear shot of the head I can't be sure but it lookes like a Eunicid sp. It may or may not be a predator, but the odds increase with that genus of Polychaete. I'd say there's a 1 in 10 chance that it's a predator vs a 1 in 10,000 chance for the other species.
I saw that other one that was like 6 feet long too. The guy had to tear down the tank to get it out of the pvc pipe right? Anyway, I hope someone wants yours....not me....but someone
Thanks for all the interest in my creature. Good news! He has found a new home. Guy at lfs store loves these things. He claims to have one in his tank that is 10 feet long with no problems. Unfortunately, he did not identify the species. I hope all goes well. I am just glad to see him gone and hope he didn't leave behind any friends.