Free Live Rock To Anyone Who Wants It


OK, Here it goes! I have about 50-55lbs of live rock in my tank right now. It is fully cultured and cycled or whatever. It has been in my tank for over 6 months. It's not a reef, but I do have anemones and do want to keep them, but I must warn you, I have a mantis shrimp in my tank (at least one that I can see). Its about 4 inches and hasn't killed anything except my peppermint shrimp so far. So anyone who can get that thing outta there can take all my live rock with them also. So anyone in the CT area...I live in west haven....who wants about $350.00 - $400.00 worth of live rock, please email me at ASAP and I would be happy to give it to you. Thanks, Jeff
PS They only thing I ask is that you don't kill any of my fish during this and also that nothing happens to my tank because of the mantis shrimp when you take him out.


ACK! Where were you in Dec. when I bought all my live rock?!! I wish I could take it off of your hands, but my 55 is getting pretty full of rock. Would you give up a couple of pieces or are you trying to unload all of it at once?


Don't get rid of all your expensive LR just to get rid of the mantis shrimp!! If you have other reason for getting rid of the LR.. ok,ay, but don't get rid of it just to get of the mantis shrimp. I'll dig up a post on mantis shrimp if you still want..


OK please is getting bigger and is really becoming a nuisance. It has already killed my peppermint shrimp.


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grr that took me forever.. but i hope it helps :D
good luck and DONT get rid of all your LR! just get rid of the mantis.


Active Member
i agree with galina, it sounds alot like you are just trying to rid hte mantis, if so, do not do that, please, save teh rock and remove the mantis,
if that is the only reason you are getting rid of the rock, it is too much money,and if it is 6 monthe=s old, it should be growing some nice life again by now, others out there, may take this as na opportunity, but i will not, oi would rather see you keep it, unless you have a nother reason


Jeff, what happened?
You never replied to my last email.
Do I come to get the rock and mantis?
Let me know.
If you changed your mind at least tell me so I'm not left wondering.


Hello?? Don't take advantage of his situation, swtanks! Yeah, it's a great deal, free rock and all, but don't encourage him to get rid of him if he's just stuck with a mantis! That's sort of selfish and I think it's pretty clear he just wants rid of the mantis! <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
Galina :mad:


Thanks galina,
I am just so frustrated about all this. here is a picture of this thing...I think its a mantis but its all black....well brown sort of...and all the mantis's I've seen are all different colors. it seems to be afraid of the fish when they swim by it and also when someone walks in front of the tank but I know that it has already killed and eaten my peppermint shrimp so far. the thing that sucks is it doesn't stay in one particular rock...which means I would have to take all of it out and leave it somewhere and let everything die off of it so the mantis dies and then recycle all of it all over again

sorry some of the pictures are a little blurry

here is a picture of my whole tank just for the hell of it


Selfish?! I don't think so.
If he doesn't want to deal with taking out the rock and removing the mantis, then I will.
If he is worried about getting hurt by a mantis then buy a trap or use gloves or tongs to remove the rock.
If he wants to get rid of the mantis on his own. No problem.
I was wondering what was going on.
I removed 6 mantis shrimp (TBS LR) from a persons tank last year and got 3 large corals from him for doing it. Was that selfish? No. I did him a favor and he repayed that favor.


Active Member
watch him closely, when he goes into a hole, grab that rock at that instant, and get it into a bucket, then once in the bucket, you can try fw, amy say that will get him out, just shoot it into the hole, if hat does not work, have some really salty sw, like 1.50 sg or something, try and squirt soem of that into his hole, and if that does no towrk, try club soda
there are many different stomatopods, and some are even that color, it does look like one by shape, so i would not doubt that is what you have, but try those things, just use caution when handling they can be terrors, if it gets a hold of you it can do alot of damage
maybe not selfish, but most of us look at this as kinda like a brotherhood(knida like racers or sport fishers, all of us are members with a common interest) adn we would rather not see someone give up 200$ just because of a mantis which can be removed, and MANY of us would try to help him first, instead of just taking, i myself woudl do so for nothing, and if offered, i would not take 200$, unless it got to be a big ordeal(taking 50+hrs of my time or something,
HOWEVER, it is completely your right to expect payment for services that you offer, we just wish that you would offer to help first(even if only through advice), that is all
the word selfish is not really appropriate, but most of us see what s/he means(may mean to say selfish, but intends to say what i have)
i will try, if you want some help, email me, just title it jeff903 at swf, i delete all the garbage, and will only look for certain ones)
no charge


People gave him advice on how to remove it BEFORE I said I would do it.
I would still rather see him set a trap for it or remove a rock that it hides in first.
If he does not want to do that, than I will take care of it.
I like my fingers and have been hit by these things in the past. Accidently pick up a mantis. You'll know why I wouldn't remove one without something in return.
My advice is to go to a kitchen supply store. There is one on the Post Road in Milford. Spend the $15 for a pair of the large stainless steel tongs that are sold there. You will be able to use these to grab and move the rocks without jeopardizing your hands.
If you don't want to do that. Buy a trap and bait it.
If you still do not want to do it yourself, then I will do it for you.


Active Member
:swtanks i do not blame or am bashing you for charging, as i said it is your right, especially if you get time into it, there are many things i do that i wil not charge friends for(and some that i will cahrge for), so anyhow, do not mis understand me, you do have the right to expect payment for services, it is just that we all would rather see him keep the rock, and not get discouraged by a pest(it is not the money)
and personaly i would like to get free rock too(or trade services 4 it), just taht we want him to keep going, instead of throwing in the towel