Originally Posted by texanangel
Your best fish to start a small tank with are guppies. They are very hardy, and can survive most anything. I disagree As mentioned above, neons are not hardy at all, and need to be in groups of 5 or more.I completely agree. And yes, your cori will need sinking pellets, since your tank isn't old enough to have enough algae. And fair warning, your cori should be in a bigger tank, I know you can put more in a freshwater tank, but you also need live plants. I hope your fish make it, good luck!
LIve bearers arent really that hardy.
If you want durable fish for a tenG go with black skirt tetras (also a schooling fish) groups of 5 or more are best.
corydoras are really sensitave to medication and high params (rate rite amm)
and you should feed him a sinking shrimp pellet every couple of days, in betweebn time he will forage up what the neon misses.
Generally neon tetras need a tank thats been up and running for 6months for a goode chance at survival, with out schoolmates you neon has almost no chance at survival because it is going to be constantly stressed from not feeling secure in its protective group, (saftey in numbers).