freshwater stock question


Active Member
i have been wondering what can i add for fish in my tank? its a 30 gallon fresh water with a parrot chiclid and a clown loach both small. i know the parrot will get big. but let me know what i can add
thanks again

coral keeper

Active Member
You can add a angel fish, dwarf Cichlids, tetras, Plecos, glass catfish, cories, shrimp, rainbow fish, snails, other inverts, and anything els that can be kept with each other and dont get too big.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
You can add a angel fish, dwarf Cichlids, tetras, Plecos, glass catfish, cories, shrimp, rainbow fish, snails, other inverts, and anything els that can be kept with each other and dont get too big.
with the chichlids.. they need certain ph levels?
and you cant mis the high wi tht eneutrals?


Originally Posted by bill109
i have been wondering what can i add for fish in my tank? its a 30 gallon fresh water with a parrot chiclid and a clown loach both small. i know the parrot will get big. but let me know what i can add
thanks again
Bill, these fish are still small? Didn't you get them almost a year ago?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Bill, these fish are still small? Didn't you get them almost a year ago?
yes i did. but whne i bought them they were babies. the blood parrot (its bright orange) is 4 inches max and the clown loach is about 2 max.
ill get some pictures..
but as far as stock goes?


Originally Posted by bill109
yes i did. but whne i bought them they were babies. the blood parrot (its bright orange) is 4 inches max and the clown loach is about 2 max.
ill get some pictures..
but as far as stock goes?
The parrot isn't going to get that big in a 30 gallon. You are not all that limited in what kind of fish you can get if you are going with tropical community. What kind are you interested in?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
The parrot isn't going to get that big in a 30 gallon
This myth is just that and is soo farther from the truth. A fish will get as close to its full size or beyond regardless of tank size. I have heard this bogus lie NUMEROUS times and cant argue enough of how this idea that they will stay small in a small tank is just plain BS. Perfect example: OSCAR's!!!! Enough said. The only way this myth is true is if they are in bad water quality, improper feeding habits, and disease which is brought on by the first two. A fish (healthy fish) will grow and sometimes outgrow their home and can become a nuisance on water quality if left in a small tank where the bacteria cannot breakdown fast enough the amount of waste that the fish is producing. Tiger barbs are known as fish nipers and tend to bully others in the tank. Clown loaches get 10 inches long. The Blood parrot should not be in anything smaller than a 48 gallon. The idea in an aquarium is to have top, bottom, and middle swimmers so that there is always movement in the tank.


Active Member
tiger barbs are know as fin nipers but if you keep them in a large group of 6-7 they dont do it as often...i have a 55 gallon FW tank with a group of 6 tigers barbs a group of 3 black tetras and 4 large african cichlids and no nipping has occured in 3 years


Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
This myth is just that and is soo farther from the truth. A fish will get as close to its full size or beyond regardless of tank size. I have heard this bogus lie NUMEROUS times and cant argue enough of how this idea that they will stay small in a small tank is just plain BS. Perfect example: OSCAR's!!!! Enough said. The only way this myth is true is if they are in bad water quality, improper feeding habits, and disease which is brought on by the first two. A fish (healthy fish) will grow and sometimes outgrow their home and can become a nuisance on water quality if left in a small tank where the bacteria cannot breakdown fast enough the amount of waste that the fish is producing. Tiger barbs are known as fish nipers and tend to bully others in the tank. Clown loaches get 10 inches long. The Blood parrot should not be in anything smaller than a 48 gallon. The idea in an aquarium is to have top, bottom, and middle swimmers so that there is always movement in the tank.
John, I have had parrots before and my water quality is great. This particular fish will grow to about 3-4 inches unless it is in a very large tank. Even in a 55 this hybrid fish would not grow very large. They only grow to roughly 5-6 inches in large systems.These fish are not monsters. Oscars most certainly do keep right on growing no matter what the tank size. Tiger barbs nip fish with long fins, but not always. They do best in a schools. Clown loaches usualy max out at around 6" at best but there are always exceptions. I definately agree that there should be a nice mix of top, middle, and bottom swimmers in there.


the parrot will be very aggresive as any chiclid and cannot be kept with anything other then other large south american chiclids the loach will probably be fine tho


your parrot fish will porobably loose it's color. They are mostly dyed fish. Look at keeping some Kribs or another soft water chichlids like tripple red Apistogramma cacatuoides. I use to breed the kribs and Apistogramma cacatuoides and had hundreds of babies.


Active Member
i am feeding it color enhaning food..
for fish what can i put in there?
i would love discus but u cant mix them beacuse of their ph's?
im not to sure whats out there i know there is one fish tht i like but its some kinda chiclid or something that is mixed with the chichlids to get the parrot.
but its black and blue.?
any help would be nice


Originally Posted by pbienkiewi
your parrot fish will porobably loose it's color. They are mostly dyed fish. Look at keeping some Kribs or another soft water chichlids like tripple red Apistogramma cacatuoides. I use to breed the kribs and Apistogramma cacatuoides and had hundreds of babies.
Not all parrots are dyed.


Bill, I would not be worried about the parrot as a potential problem. I have had many of them. They all have different personalities. I had one that was so sweet that I wouldn't sell him. I ended up giving him to my sister who kept him in with her angels. You know your parrot after a year. Is he aggressive at all? If you want angels, get captive bred ones. Wild ones are often very weak and succumb to illness or changes easily. Discus are harder to keep than angels are btw.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Bill, I would not be worried about the parrot as a potential problem. I have had many of them. They all have different personalities. I had one that was so sweet that I wouldn't sell him. I ended up giving him to my sister who kept him in with her angels. You know your parrot after a year. Is he aggressive at all? If you want angels, get captive bred ones. Wild ones are often very weak and succumb to illness or changes easily. Discus are harder to keep than angels are btw.
i had not realized.
my parrot is not all tht aggressive. he wont chace for no apparent reason he lived with tetras for about a year and didnt do a thing. he only gets kinda picky8 when it comes to food other then that he is not a bad guy. when the tank gets crowded we started to pick on the angles. that it everyone els is fine.. unless the angles which cam eout of the same tank i picked on each other.


Longfin Rosy Barbs!!! They are more peaceful than Tiger Barbs and other barbs. I keep mine with 2 huge Angels, various tetras, etc..typical community planted tank.
Here's a picture of my male. The female looks just like him, in body, but she doesn't have the pinkish color at the bottom. Females are more solid gold like the top of the male is..

They are very beautiful and active in the tank. You really can't go wrong with them.