Friend for Clownfish?


New Member
I have a neww 55 gal that has been cycled for about 2 months and I just got a perc clownfish last week. He is the only fish in the tank so far and he is doing well. He does hang out in the corner though and rarely leave the end of the tank. It almost looks like he is hanging around his reflection. Do clowns like to have company and if so should I get another clownfish to go with him or would he like another type of fish? Thanks for the info.


New Member
He is the only fish so far. I have about 6 hermits and nothing else...45 LBS live rock.

bang guy

It has been my experience that Percula Clowns are soooo territorial that they will adopt the first place they see as their home. By chance, did you release the Perc in that corner or float it in that corner when acclimating?


Active Member
I agree with getting another clown for company. I might wait on the anenome - tank hasn't been set up long enough - my opinion..


New Member
thanks so far for the advice...I floated him and released him in the middle of the tank and he swam around for a while but then he settled on that end of the tank and he doesn't like to leave it. Will he do better with another perc or will he do ok with an entirely different species?


Active Member
Another perc. Tank is young, so damsels would be ok, but they are aggressive and might pick on the clown (s). 2 clowns would look nice though and they swim together.


We have a few damsels and they don't mess with the perc clown we have. I'd definitely get him an anemone, but as stated above, I'd wait a month or so. A couple of green chromis would be cool.........we have three, and they swim in a "school", so that would be good.


New Member
My clown was the same way until we got him another clown (same species). Stay away from the damsels they can be too aggressive with fish you want to add in the future.


another clown same species but probably be best to get one that is either smaller or larger as they will fight if they are the same size to establish dominance.
I agree with Bang in that clowns seem to stick to the first place you release them although they will explore the rest of the tank the seem to settle right where you release them and call that place home.
I would not recomend a anemone as they can be difficult and or problemactic and the clown does not need one to be happy. there are plenty of corals that a clown can host to that are much easier to keep than anemone. Besides if it's a false perc the chances are good it will not host to any anemone you introduce. Mine loved his hammer coral and spent every minute of the day and night in and around it.


As has been posted here a million times, those of us who have actually owned damsels have seldomly had problems as far as aggresiveness. And an anenome is not hard to keep at all as long as you take the time to check the levels on a regular basis, which should be done anyway, but it is true that the clowns don't NEED one. They sure do like 'em though. I'd wait another month before I put one in.


Active Member
As has been posted here a million times, those of us who have actually owned damsels have seldomly had problems as far as aggresiveness.
I would have agreed with you until this past month. I lost 3 clowns due to an aggressive velvet damsel in a weekend. 2 weeks later I bought 2 more clowns and watched the damsel keep them in the corners of the tank and had them looking very stressed. I took them out and put them in their own tank and they are very happy. I will not introduce any more fish in my 55 until I catch the damsel with a trap. I realize this is one instance and I was always pro damsel up until now. I'd still like to get a 3 stripe but am not sure now.


i have two 4-stripe damsels, but they leave my clarki clowns alone. the just chase each other back and forth. occationaly the clarki or dwarf lion tries to take out the damsel, but i wouldnt mind that too much. but anyway, i completely agree w/ everyone about another perc clown. they do soo much better in pairs. just make sure when you start adding more fish, you add a hawk. theyre the best. gl


Doodle, one problem shouldn't change your mind, but okay. Anyway, use two nets, sit them in the tank, feed the fish, and catch your damsel that way. Those suckers are FAST!


Active Member
I know it shouldn't change my mind, and I like damsels. But losing all my clowns makes me not want to take a chance. In fact I still have a yellow tail in there. Thanks for the advice on trapping that guy..


Damn the velvest are mean! I am always having to quarantine the suckers especailly one. He attacks all the fish in the tank. I am actually trying to get rid of the two velvets I have and keep the blue devil. I've noticed that of the three damsels each has a personality. I wanted two add two clowns or percs this week but the velvets would have tore them alive. Thinking of moving both two a 10gallon hospital? or should I try to take them back to the petstore, "they gave them to me for free. . . lol...


Active Member
small good friends, besides another perc clown, would be a clown goby, a banggai or pajama cardinalfish, those are all pretty peaceful. I originally planned not to have a damsel, but I bought a yellow tail for the qt, and he had so much personality that I decided to keep him. he hasn't been aggresive at all so far.