Friend's sister is Anorexic-what can I do??



I definitely feel your pain as I'm dating a woman who has struggled with ED's since she lost her father while in HS. The things that helped me the most was getting educated about the disorder. I agree with an earlier poster. There are many many helpful websites out there. Be aware, though, that not all are there to help you. Some are there to help your friend hide her condition from you. These are helpful too as they opened my eyes to what she was struggling with.
Professional help is an option, but not the only way. Sometimes though, I think it is required. My GF was committed several times for treatment, got out, and repeated the cycle. Your friend will have to accept that she has the problem and commit herself to reversing the patterns.
This very problem was covered on Dr. Phil yesterday and there is supposed to be info posted on his site. That might be a good place to start.
I have to run at the moment, but if you're interested, or just need to talk, feel free to email me at


Originally Posted by jdragunas
couldn't have said it better...
I've been manic depressive for about 3 years now, and my ENTIRE family suffers from it... the hubby is like :scared: everytime i jump into the depressed mood, just out of nowhere... people with mental disorders need some sort of help, and no offense, adam, but you're not the one she wants help from, or the one who can give it to her. Like i said, she can't be admitted to the hospital until she's a certain weight, so you just kinda have to sit and wait. Since she's in college now, she's the one who needs to want to go to the shrink, because no one can make her... Sorry we can't be of more help...
I understand I am not the one who will be giving her help...I just want to try to help.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
well, you're a great friend!!!
...thanks!! I have been drowning in compliments today (not to brag) My orchestra teacher made me bring in my 3/4 size cello for a full and he asked me what the serial number was and I told him the number but he said it wasnt and he found out I was right! Then he shut the door and told me I was a great kid. Then I went to science and somehow managed an A++!!!!!!!! I got a compliment in that and then in tech ed I was told that my bridge was the best plan for one! And in Math I was told not to diss myself as I have a habit of doing that and from the teacher-that IS a compliment, and because I was the only kid who got all of my geography warm up questions right, I was allowed to get frozen custard from Culvers first! My teacher's husband owns one...!
On a side note, Erica has lost some weight and I can tell. Yesterday we were talking on the phone and she said Adam if I dont eat lunch tomorrow, take my ID card drag me to hot lunch counter make me get a lunch! And I was like okay...and she was like, I probably wouldnt eat it though. I was like yes u would!! I would pry your jaws open and shove food down your throat and she was like I know, your that kind of friend. To the point, I understand she's freaking out right now and worried about her sister but it is scaring me that it is getting to the point that I am being able to tell she is losing weight.... :scared:


well, politely point out to her that she is turning into her sister... She'll probably stop and be like "woah, you're right". I understand that she's worried, but there's no reason to put her parents through the extra concern that she may be anorexic too. Tell her that as well.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
well, politely point out to her that she is turning into her sister... She'll probably stop and be like "woah, you're right". I understand that she's worried, but there's no reason to put her parents through the extra concern that she may be anorexic too. Tell her that as well.
Well, I dont wanna make her mad and I think she already knows it as she told me to make her eat lunch as I put in my earlier post. I am not concerned that she is anorexic nor am I concerned that she will be. However, if this keeps up (and I doubt it will) I might get worried about that but for now I have enough things to worry about. BTW, we made a deal today during our ice cream/frozen custard party that if she would eat 4 scoops of frozen custard that I would run around the cafeteria screaming I AM AN IDIOT while doing the chicken dance. Nevertheless, I had an interesting last half hour of school.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
so i take it she didn't eat the frozen custard...
WRONG!! I made a fool out of myself, but it was worth it. She ate the frozen custard, I made an idiot out of myself and got a good laugh, she laughed, other friends laughed, principal yelled at me-then laughed.
:cheer: :hilarious
WOW! I had an interesting day today...


you seem like the class clown/honor student type... am i right???


Originally Posted by jdragunas
you seem like the class clown/honor student type... am i right???
yeah...I wouldnt say class clown-just someone who has to make their school day interesting. The class clown is already taken by a kid named Alex. Yes, I am an honor student...I am so pitiful that I am upset with the one A- I got in math...everything else I get are A's. I wouldnt call myself a geeky nerd (you know, the ones with sweater vests, big classes, play chess, wipe their noses, eat boogers etc) I am more of a-I dont even know what I am.


well, that's good. There's nothing wrong with wanting to get good grades... my cousin got all a's and b's, and because of that, she's got a full ride to college! She's got so many schollarships and grants that she's actually getting paid to go to college!!! You're headed down the same path... don't give up your desire for good grades, ever, or i'll hunt you down, and i dunno what i'll do, but it won't be nice!!!


Originally Posted by jdragunas
well, that's good. There's nothing wrong with wanting to get good grades... my cousin got all a's and b's, and because of that, she's got a full ride to college! She's got so many schollarships and grants that she's actually getting paid to go to college!!! You're headed down the same path... don't give up your desire for good grades, ever, or i'll hunt you down, and i dunno what i'll do, but it won't be nice!!!
lol...but I am curious...just what would u do??


Active Member
i know this is random but a few weeks ago i got called down to guidence and the councerlor thought i was anerexic (SP!!) so she called down all of my friends which i have no idea how she knows them and told them to make sure i eat lol. i sit with a bunch of people at lunch and this girl kristen really is almost anerexic she eats like 1-2 meals a week and the school councelor yalks to her every day to try to help.


Originally Posted by connor
i know this is random but a few weeks ago i got called down to guidence and the councerlor thought i was anerexic (SP!!) so she called down all of my friends which i have no idea how she knows them and told them to make sure i eat lol. i sit with a bunch of people at lunch and this girl kristen really is almost anerexic she eats like 1-2 meals a week and the school councelor yalks to her every day to try to help.

This isnt random, its what the whole thread is about! Thanks for sharing your experience.


Thanks guys!! I love her. She's my dog. U know how long I wanted a pit bull and how long my mom said she didnt want a man eating creature in the house? Well, first off theyre not vicious if trained properly, and she is the sweetest creature living. I paid for her, and I pay for dog food, and vet bills, and everything! So I have her to pay for, my tank, and odd and ends and going to the mall with friends etc all to pay for with a stinkin paper route!!


Something kind of funny is that if you look up in the upper left hand corner, my school pic is right there. I circled it. lol.