frogspawn and torch...


Active Member
How do these corals reproduce? I know the head splits but do they every just show up in another part of the tank for no reason?

bang guy

It can happen. It's called polyp bailout. One of the sweeper tentacles will pinch off part of the tentacle. The idea is for the tentacle to sting nearby encroaching corals. The tantacle is fully alive though and if it settles it can live, create a skeletal base and begin to grow.
I've propogated quite a few Candycane, Torch, Hammer, and Frogspawn this way.


Active Member
Does this mean that you can cut off a tentacle and it will regrow, or does it have to pinch itself off? Also, i know that my anchor coral does not have sweeper / feeder tentacles, but why haven't i seen any out of my octo frog spawn? I thought that frog spawn normally have sweepers. I feed it and it like the light it is in, it has grown from 3 heads to 5 in about 2 months, but like i said i have never seen sweeper tentacles.

bang guy

I've tried to manually pinch off tentacles. It has never worked for me.
Generally, the sweepers are produced in response to stress. They detect a nearby competing coral or they get damaged somehow.


I just bought a small frogspawn last night. It has two small heads. I was not told that it needed to be fed. Can you tell me what to feed and how often. I also bought a smal flavia brain. Is there anything I need to do for him?


Active Member
Frogspawns dont need to be fed, but it will make them grow a little faster if you do feed them. If you decide to feed it, it should eat almost any frozen food, and feed it 2-3 times a week