


Tizzo, what is the name of the "flat worm exit" dip that you used?



Originally posted by MasterZeus
Must this be done as a dip or can it just be added to your tank?
I assume it can't go in the tank, just checking.

You actually CAN add this directly to your tank. Salifert Exit is not harmful to your corals, fish or inverts. BUT the flatworms themselves, when they die, release a toxin that is dangerous to your tank so you must run a LOT of carbon as soon as it begins to work. I dip my corals now before I put them into my display.
Thanks Schneidts, the number of flatworms was unbelievable. While in the dip I pushed water between it's tenticles with a turkey baster and they came flyin' out left and right. The instructions on the Salifert box say, "don't underestimate the number of flatworms", boy thats so true!!


Thank you for the info Tizzo, my zoo colonies are disapearing, do you think that flatworms are the cause of it?


I have no idea... That could be anything, nudibranch, hitch-hiker crab... You can usually see flatworms on the rockwork. I'll post a pic of them "sunbathing" on the rocks tomorrow.


Active Member

Originally posted by dusty
Thank you for the info Tizzo, my zoo colonies are disapearing, do you think that flatworms are the cause of it?

There are quite a few things that could be attacking your zoo's. Assuming your water quality and lighting are good there are a few things to keep your eye out for. The most obvious are shrimp and fish picking on them. Fungus is also pretty obvious, the polyps should look clean and have no fuzz on or around them. The worst case scenario is sundial snails or zoo eating nudi's.
I use flatworm exit as a dip and have used it to treat my tank once, great stuff.