Frogspawn not so peppy


New Member
Hi! I'm having an issue with my frogspawn. It's been semi-deflated for the past week and I can't figure out what's going on with it. There doesn't appear to be any pests but gave it a fw dip just to be sure (nothing obvious). About the same time my itty branch hammer retracted and hasn't come back out either (also fw dip, nothing obvious). However, I have another frogspawn, xenia, galaxia (not near any others) and monti (I think) that are very lively and happy. In the pic the frogspawn on the right should be 3x larger then the happy spawn on the left. Also, the hammer is temporarily between them, was not there when this issue came up. Nothing has changed in the tank that I can pinpoint, numbers have been stable for quite a while.

75g, temp 79
n/n/a 0
phos 0
alk 9
ph 8.3
salinity .024

Any thoughts/ideas are appreciated! (sorry, file won't upload properly)


Well-Known Member
Have you changed the flow at all. My frogspawn and hammers don't like a ton of current. They close up when I accidentally bump the power heads.


New Member
Have you changed the flow at all. My frogspawn and hammers don't like a ton of current. They close up when I accidentally bump the power heads.
Not really. We were a little low on the water line over the weekend (about an inch) and added a couple of gallons, which could have shifted the flow slightly, but it started going limp prior to that.

bang guy

Just a thought, if your corals are growing larger they may have hit a threshold where you need to begin some dosing between water changes. Your ALK seems OK but on the low end. How is the Calcium level?


New Member
Just a thought, if your corals are growing larger they may have hit a threshold where you need to begin some dosing between water changes. Your ALK seems OK but on the low end. How is the Calcium level?
Yesterday I was at 420. I could be a bit higher

bang guy

420 is just fine. The ALK is fine as well. That's not the issue I don't think.

OTOH, they may have been stressed and overly inflated before and now they are stress free and looking normal... That's also possible.

Do they send out feeding tentacles at night?


New Member
Do they send out feeding tentacles at night?
Frogspawn sent out tenacles?!? I... guess I should find out! They both deflate somewhat at night, which I thought was just their way. After lights on they both fatten up, until the one on the right recently. Normally it looks like this,

Ok, I checked out some pics and though not as long as some I googled, I'd say yes, I've seen some stubbier looking sweeper tenacles.
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