Frogspawn or torch??


Active Member
I can not get an anemone due to lighting. However I have 2 clowns that act as though they need something to host (besides my HOB filter).
Will I have a better change with a frogspawn or a torch? My clowns are a hybrid of ocellaris and black onyx perculas. Any suggestions?


Better chance for hosting or living?
My frogspawn is doing great under 2x250W MH. I wasted 2 torches. Somehow, they dont want to live in my tank. I'll try the torch again from a different etailer.
I dont know about hosting.... my 2 false perc haven't been interested in the fragspawn. This coral have been in the tank for 6+ months.


Active Member
hosting. Are torches typically difficult to keep? I have a 29 gallon with 130watts of PC


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Yous hould be able to have an BTA with that light.
REALLY?? :cheer: :cheer:

I thought I had to have MH to have a BTA - any particular type or are they all the same? I need to start doing research on these then.


Active Member
Well can anyone tell me? I have been reading and I find that some folks say yes and some say no. Can you guys help me. If I can't get a BTA (which I would LOVE), would a frogspawn or torch be better for a clown to host.


The BTA has a chance of surviving under that light. You will need to have enough rock to allow it to sit closer to the light. Halides would be better of course but not required for a BTA. There is no guarantee that your clowns will take to your BTA either. Clowns hosting powerheads and pumps are pretty common.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I'd suggest the Frogspawn.
Do you have a picture of your fish? They sound interesting.
I will try to get a good picture of them. Like I said they are up near the top behind the filter so they are hard to see unless it is feeding time.

I did get a BTA as I did not see the responses to this before - otherwise I would have took Bang's advise. Oh well I will give it a try. If I think he isn't getting enough light I will try to find an inexpensive small MH set. I eventually want to go to a 120 - in a year or so. So I will save for good lights on that set up.
When the lights come on I will get a picture for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I'd suggest the Frogspawn.
Do you have a picture of your fish? They sound interesting.

Here is the best picture I could get as of now.



Active Member
Could you post a shot of the full tank? I have 4x96 PC (2 10k and 2 actinic) in my 65 gallon. Thomas told me that it's enough light for a BTA.


Active Member
Also I thought that a frogspawn need an MH. If not can somebody tell me if I can keep one?
:help: :help: :help:

bang guy

Originally Posted by Crox
Also I thought that a frogspawn need an MH. If not can somebody tell me if I can keep one?
:help: :help: :help:

IME Frogspawn does best under VHO. Experiences differ but bottom line is that Frogspawn do not require intense point-source lighting.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Crox
Thanks. Do you have any frags?
Only if you come over and have a beer first. Rules of the game. I think I'm about 7 hours by fast auto from you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Could you post a shot of the full tank? I have 4x96 PC (2 10k and 2 actinic) in my 65 gallon. Thomas told me that it's enough light for a BTA.
Sorry it took so long. Here is a before the BTA and after the BTA

Hopefully he will do well and hopefully he will stay on this rock I have him on.



Active Member
The only A. Ocellaris I lost was one who started hosting in my frogspawn. At first I thought it was pretty cool, but soon the clown started destroying the base of the frogspawn with his rough behavior so I removed it from the tank. Just watch out that he doesn't get too "rough".